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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 9,2015 <br /> Page 6 <br /> 11. Presentations <br /> Recess <br /> Mayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 5:53 p.m., and reconvened at approximately <br /> 5:56 p.m. <br /> a. Joint Meeting with Parks & Recreation Commission <br /> Mayor Roe welcomed Park and Recreation Commissions to this quarterly meet- <br /> ing. Commissioners present included Chair Dave Holt and Members Lee Die- <br /> drick, Jerry Stoner, Terrance Newby, and Randall Doneen. <br /> Chair Holt advised that the Commission had received considerable input and <br /> feedback from the public during its study, as charged by the City Council, and re- <br /> search of the deer population and related issues in this area. Chair Holt advised <br /> that Commissioners Newby and Stoner would lead a summary of their findings <br /> and the broad recommendations of the Commission based on their information <br /> and deliberations. <br /> Commissioner Newby noted that this subject had a lot of public impact and was <br /> a passionate topic. As part of the Commission's recommendation, included in to- <br /> night's meeting packet, dated March 9, 2015, Commissioner Newby noted that a <br /> theme seemed to be centered around neighbors feeding deer, which created a lot <br /> of problems in deer congregating. <br /> Commissioner Newby summarized the Commission's recommendations as it in- <br /> ventoried and monitored the deer population and things for the City Council to <br /> consider if and when it authorized creation of an ordinance. Commissioner New- <br /> by advised that the recommendation of the Commission was for a comprehensive <br /> wildlife ordinance that included a feeding prohibition along with other issues that <br /> could be enforceable by the City, with penalties for violations and options for as- <br /> needed control mechanisms as defined by criteria established by Ramsey County <br /> and the Department of Natural Resources. Commissioner Newby advised that the <br /> Commission recommended an immediate restriction on feeding, and enactment of <br /> an ordinance that would provide an enforcement method and penalties in order to <br /> deter individuals from feeding wildlife. Only if necessary, Commissioner Newby <br /> clarified, was one potion provided for a controlled hunt if after two years of en- <br /> forcing a feeding ban and subsequent survey, it was determined that there was still <br /> a significant problem. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted that the Commission had been tasked to address <br /> the deer population, however, they had returned with a recommendation address- <br /> ing wildlife in general. As an example, Councilmember McGehee stated that she <br /> was not aware of a turkey problem in Roseville, however, they were included as <br /> part of wildlife management, and questioned why they were included if no prob- <br /> lem and apparently no one was actively feeding them. <br />