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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 9, 2015 <br /> Page 8 <br /> Chair Holt recommended that the intent of the comprehensive wildlife plan <br /> should certainly not be misconstrued to get rid of wildlife,but to attempt properly <br /> managing or limiting their numbers depending on periodic counts. Chair Holt <br /> noted that a feeding ban is only one option to disperse deer in a manner that they <br /> were not congregating and becoming a public nuisance and/or safety hazard for <br /> vehicles. Chair Holt reiterated Commissioner Newby's summary in that the over- <br /> all plan incorporated many different things beyond a ban. <br /> Mayor Roe reiterated his announcement regarding this not constituting a complete <br /> discussion tonight, and opportunities for further discussion and public input at a <br /> later date. <br /> Councilmember Etten thanked Commissioners for putting together a thorough and <br /> complete analysis, including detailed information from other communities and a <br /> recommendation for moving forward. Commissioner Etten expressed his appre- <br /> ciation for their background work allowing further community discussions in the <br /> near future. <br /> When viewing Commission meetings from home, Councilmember Laliberte noted <br /> one thing that had been gnawing at her was finding out what other communities <br /> around Roseville were doing, since wildlife didn't observe borders. Therefore, <br /> Councilmember Laliberte thanked the Commission for providing that infor- <br /> mation, which she found very helpful. Regarding the Commission's recommen- <br /> dation #5 (page 5 of the RCA), Councilmember Laliberte asked for clarification <br /> that they were not proscribing a particular avenue for a hunt,just that it could be <br /> discussed further if deemed necessary. <br /> Commissioner Newby concurred, and responded that the recommendation was <br /> that, if after the initial two-year period, if there were still a significant number of <br /> citizen complaints, the option for a hunt could be an option at which time the is- <br /> sue could be revisited and opportunity for assessment of the problem. Commis- <br /> sioner Newby noted that the assessment may indicate there is nothing warranted <br /> or any further action necessary. <br /> Chair Holt advised that this was part of the rationale in the Commission's recom- <br /> mendation for creation of an ordinance that would allow for a hunt if warranted, <br /> since at this time the City had nothing in place to allow a hunt as an option. <br /> Without such a mechanism readily in place, Chair Holt noted the delay in the pro- <br /> cess and need to continually go over things again before able to take appropriate <br /> action. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that this would provide a form of preauthorization and option to <br /> hold a public hearing prior to any hunt. <br />