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City Council Meeting Retreat <br /> Tuesday, February 18, 2015 <br /> Page 13 <br /> Key Outcome Indicators (KOI) <br /> Market value growth in SE Roseville <br /> Target: residential <br /> Target: commercial <br /> Homestead housing City-wide <br /> Target: % change in homestead versus rental housing <br /> Mr. Rapp asked for clarification of the purpose of this target if intended to influence <br /> the outcome to provide more stability. <br /> Community Development Director Bilotta responded that it was in support of the <br /> homesteading position; and through inspections push single-family rentals back to- <br /> ward owner-occupied housing to keep certain areas of the community from becoming <br /> saturated with single-family rental housing, observed as a slowly increasing trend in <br /> some areas of the community and impacting other aspects. <br /> Councilmember Etten concurred, noting that, as the country came out of the recession <br /> trending was toward rentals; and from the development side, there were potential im- <br /> pacts not only on investment in individual homes, but rental homes becoming a larger <br /> component of certain quadrants throughout the community, creating a lower invest- <br /> ment in housing in those areas. <br /> Mr. Rapp clarified that the KOI was trying to achieve the target as the outcome, <br /> knowing the trend is not the outcome. <br /> Mr. Bilotta clarified that the KOI was to reduce the decline in homeownership. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified home ownership vs. rental; and questioned if that was inherently <br /> a bad thing or if it was an attempt to deal with happenings in neighborhoods and types <br /> of housing stock. <br /> Mr. Bilotta responded that, at the point when the symptom got to a certain percentage <br /> of total rentals, it historically created additional problems in the home ownership <br /> market not being as attractive in those areas of the community. <br /> Mr. Rapp suggested a more affirmative way to be found to state the intended KOI, <br /> whether that was to achieve a balance in segments of the neighborhood, in the broad- <br /> er community or neighborhood specific, or by defining the percentage of preferred <br /> housing stock to avoid declining housing values. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted the proliferation of single-family homes turning into <br /> rentals in specific neighborhoods. <br />