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City Council Meeting Retreat <br /> Tuesday, February 18, 2015 <br /> Page 16 <br /> Councilmember Etten expressed his amazement at the number of and interest in du- <br /> plexes in Roseville, which he attributed to a symptom of the modest upkeep for own- <br /> ers. Councilmember Etten stated that this suggested the need to make sure housing <br /> stock included not just individual single-family homes, but also included MDR op- <br /> tions as well. <br /> Councilmember Willmus opined that he didn't attribute this to identifying any partic- <br /> ular market segment at all, but thought Roseville was still missing certain types of <br /> homes. <br /> Mayor Roe opined this sounded like another indicator and shouldn't be lumped in <br /> with this one. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated that she was struggling with this stage of the exer- <br /> cise, as it seemed that at each stage the discussion veered farther away from the initial <br /> SWOT. While originally talking about move-up housing stock, Councilmember <br /> Laliberte noted that the conversation was now moving toward reinforcing the housing <br /> code enforcement program already in place and very successful versus identifying <br /> yesterday's discussion about housing diversity and the City's lack of some types of <br /> housing stock. <br /> Mayor Roe opined there were more indicators in this section of housing and redevel- <br /> opment. <br /> Finance Director Miller opined that he would find it of a huge advantage to see the <br /> work done by the subgroups two hours ago, as well as that done 24 hours ago next to <br /> this part of the exercise to help connect the dots. Mr. Miller noted that what was now <br /> being reviewed had been distilled down several times, and seems to be causing the <br /> discussion to flounder indicating that the group had lost its way. <br /> Community Development Director Bilotta noted that his subgroup had struggled with <br /> the whole KOI and how to define the number of units and what move-up housing or <br /> median housing was. <br /> Finance Director Miller suggested it would be clearer if seen from his subgroup's <br /> work, admitting that his subgroup struggled mightily in defining their own KOI's. <br /> Recess <br /> Mr. Rapp recessed the meeting at approximately 2:26 p.m. and reconvened at approximately <br /> 2:38 p.m. <br /> After the break, Mr. Rapp clarified that most important step at hand is getting the KOI's correct. <br /> Mr. Rapp advised that the targets may or may not be fully fleshed out; and he would summarize <br /> everything accomplished, including a table and summary of all of the SWOT and information <br /> contained in the flip charts from various subgroups and the group as a whole in his draft report. <br />