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City Council Meeting Retreat <br /> Tuesday, February 18, 2015 <br /> Page 17 <br /> After that, Mr. Rapp reiterated that he would work with City Manager Trudgeon and staff to fa- <br /> cilitate a half-day session to develop initiatives or key pieces to bring before the City Council to <br /> help achieve the City's strategic priorities. Mr. Rapp recognized the frustration and normal de- <br /> sire at that half-day staff session. If he found the group sliding into that minutia again, Mr. Rapp <br /> advised that he would refocus discussions to avoid losing continuity. <br /> Using the move-up housing topic as an example, Councilmember McGehee questioned if they <br /> would then be on sheets for staff and they would return to the City Council with that issue for <br /> decision-making to set priorities. <br /> Mayor Roe asked that "indicator"be defined, using the example of Councilmember McGhee for <br /> move-up housing, whether it was intended as specific or not. Mayor Roe noted that the housing <br /> & redevelopment priority talked about variety and diversity, which may be the desired indicator, <br /> but suggested it may instead be related to work force housing. <br /> With a two-year time period, Mr. Rapp suggested housing in particular tended to have a longer <br /> time horizon than that, providing an optional target specific to housing variety. If the indicator <br /> was defined by the City Council to monitor housing variety with a target to achieve balance <br /> across the board or by a certain percentage, Mr. Rapp suggested that would be the target. As an <br /> example, Mr. Rapp suggested 20% move-up housing by 2020 as a target, whether achievable in <br /> the two- year program or balanced with other options. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted that the City's Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan would <br /> suggest those targets. <br /> Mr. Rapp concurred that in the upcoming Comprehensive Plan update and any new zoning, the <br /> City could start focusing on which housing options would receive initiatives, which would also <br /> provide an idea of the timing for the target over a longer time horizon. <br /> Councilmember Willmus opined that, while the end use may be beyond two years, in order for it <br /> to happen or even be a potential, proper zoning and guidance was needed to be in place to ac- <br /> complish that. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that in itself that was a strategic initiative. <br /> Councilmember Willmus concurred, opining that it was actually working the process backward <br /> to get to a strategic priority. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that he saw this priority category(housing and redevelopment) as inclusive of <br /> growing the tax base, picking a target, as well as defining percentages for rental and owner- <br /> occupied and other housing options. <br /> Market value growth in SE Roseville <br /> Target: creating ways to grow that <br />