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City Council Meeting Retreat <br /> Tuesday, February 18, 2015 <br /> Page 19 <br /> but instead suggested having a fourth KOI addressing the rental aspect especially <br /> based on the community's little developable space for new housing stock. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that he liked targeting the value increase and tracking of owner- <br /> occupied and rental housing within a certain range. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted there may be certain areas of town that reinvested and <br /> changed housing stock types. <br /> By consensus, the participants added a fourth KOI as follows: <br /> • While recognizing it would take longer than two years, start now to remove home- <br /> stead from residential housing values; creating a target for both of those housing <br /> types by developing a work plan during that two year period and initiatives to begin <br /> that process. <br /> Effective Governance <br /> (Subgroup: Mayor Roe and Fire Chief O'Neill) <br /> Priorities: Consistent and transparent process; Constructive; Clear decision-making; <br /> Timely decision-making; Decisive decision-making; Respectful; Forward looking; Thor- <br /> ough,fully-informed analysis;Acceptance of decisions (team based) <br /> Key Outcome Indicators (KOI) <br /> Decisions are made and stick <br /> Target: Every action item that comes to the City Council has a resolution at that <br /> meeting. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that this may indicate that an item is discussed at several meetings <br /> prior to action, but when coming forward for action, it occurs at that meeting without <br /> further delay. <br /> Mr. Rapp suggested that the indicator may be "decisions or action items" with the <br /> target being"tracking City Council actions." <br /> Transparent Process <br /> Target: Every item under consideration includes an indication as to where the de- <br /> cision-making process is at. <br /> Councilmember McGehee referenced Councilmember Laliberte's desire for a <br /> continuum that every project had a schedule with a checklist for a clear under- <br /> standing of where it was at to ensure transparency. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte opined that it came into plan with communication tools, <br /> documents at meetings, communication about meetings and when/where they <br /> were being held; whether public comment or a Public Hearing was being held at <br />