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City Council Meeting Retreat <br /> Tuesday, February 18,2015 <br /> Page 20 <br /> the Planning Commission or City Council level, and announcing or noting on the <br /> agenda packet at which stage it's at. <br /> Process Conformity <br /> Target: 90% of the time you will conform to the agreed-upon City Council pro- <br /> cess. <br /> Councilmember Etten noted that there was a very defined process by Minnesota <br /> State Statute for land use cases. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte noted that typical residents were not aware of that pro- <br /> cess. <br /> Councilmember Etten concurred, noting the need to make the process more trans- <br /> parent for the general public. <br /> Mr. Rapp suggested that the target was to have a process that the community <br /> could understand. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that everyone, whether City Council, staff or the community, <br /> had a different definition of community as previously discussed, and using a dif- <br /> ferent example than land use, such as the reorganization of the Fire Department, <br /> there should be a process for everyone, including the public,to understand at what <br /> point it was at, perhaps through a web page associated with the process, or using a <br /> thermometer graphic with a process line. <br /> If the target is to monitor process transparency, Mr. Rapp suggested using Mayor <br /> Roe's "Transparent Process" as the target, each Request for Council Action <br /> (RCA) could include a check box indicating at which point the process is current- <br /> ly at. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested instead that it could be like the Twin Lakes Engagement <br /> meetings, as residents see the steps where the project is at currently. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted the significant issues in notification for transpar- <br /> ency and consistency, on large development project, and often what is perceived <br /> from one informational meeting to the next or what actually the prevailing percep- <br /> tion of what actually transpired is. <br /> Mr. Rapp opined that, if he as a staff person was to be held accountable to achieve <br /> the target, a graphic on an RCA at every venue or every meeting would provide a <br /> clear continuum of the process and whether I'd fulfilled it and/or met with the sat- <br /> isfaction of constituents. Mr. Rapp opined that this seemed to be a rather low bar <br /> to meet. <br />