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City Council Meeting Retreat <br /> Tuesday, February 18, 2015 <br /> Page 22 <br /> Laliberte noted earlier discussion included targeting a certain percentage of satis- <br /> faction with the process, and opined that it had taken over as a strategic indicator. <br /> Mr. Rapp clarified that it was already a different strategic priority listed under <br /> "community engagement." <br /> Engaged Political Candidates <br /> Target: 2016 elections with incumbents who don't quit out of frustration and/or <br /> new candidates coming forward for openings. <br /> Mayor Roe questioned if the intent of this included respectful acceptance of deci- <br /> sions and construction criticism. <br /> Community Development Director Bilotta advised that the concern was that it <br /> would build attractiveness of serving on the City Council. <br /> Councilmembers Laliberte and McGehee opined that they didn't feel that was a <br /> problem. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that only three citizens ran for two open Council seats in last <br /> fall's election. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte opined that she preferred a key indicator that would <br /> help the body in day-to-day meeting conduct and decision-making, not something <br /> that was only needed every two years at election time. <br /> Mr. Rapp noted key discussion focused on respect, forward thinking and con- <br /> structive criticism. <br /> Mayor Roe agreed that this was the subgroup's intent. <br /> Council Respect <br /> Target: (undefined at this point <br /> Mr. Rapp noted another community had asked their staff and advisory commis- <br /> sioners to generally and/or selectively rate and monitor City Council meetings by <br /> video or in person and rank the City in terms of their respectful comments or how <br /> they perceived the meeting. However, Mr. Rapp noted that this was subjective. <br /> Finance Director Miller asked if it was always necessary to have a key indicator <br /> for priorities. <br /> Mr. Rapp responded that the theory of this is if effective governance is important <br /> enough to focus on, then there had to be a way to define City Council actions to <br /> fix or improve a particular target through transparency and how to measure it. As <br /> an example, if respectful conduct is important, if we don't define how to measure <br />