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City Council Meeting Retreat <br /> Tuesday, February 18, 2015 <br /> Page 28 <br /> Councilmember Willmus suggested that ultimately, you come back to the citizens, <br /> whether the Finance Department was struggling in working with another depart- <br /> ment or directly with citizens; opining that either way it still impacted the citizens. <br /> Mr. Rapp advised that he was thinking in the terms of discreet functions (e.g. de- <br /> velopment applications and/or permitting processes) and how various stakehold- <br /> ers, whether citizens, developers, architects, engineers, or other stakeholders — as <br /> consumers of the services provided — found that service, with others ultimately <br /> touched by that service. <br /> In sticking with the citizen, Councilmember Etten suggested exit surveys of those <br /> receiving services, while not being scientific by nature that would help provide a <br /> 360 degree evaluation of how a specific department was serving, with feedback <br /> possible from different or a variety of groups. Councilmember Etten opined that <br /> then the statistically valid community survey would be just one other piece of the <br /> picture under this strategic initiative. <br /> After further discussion, the consensus was to change the indicator to: "Gauging <br /> Stakeholder Satisfaction" with the target as a certain percentage of satisfied <br /> stakeholders through establishing strategic initiatives and providing ways to <br /> measure it. <br /> Connect Citizen Expectations to Resource Allocation (Programs and Services) <br /> Target: %of resource allocated to highest priorities <br /> Councilmember Laliberte advised that the intent of this KOI would to ensure ade- <br /> quate funding was in line with prioritizing resources. Councilmember Laliberte <br /> personally observed that at no point had the City taken community survey results <br /> and those priorities and tied them back to the financial allotment of staff and/or <br /> programs/services, actually connecting and aligning those community priorities. <br /> Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of that concept. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte clarified that this was about citizen expectations as tax- <br /> payers on this point, narrowing the picture even more as to who's expectations <br /> were trying to be met. <br /> Mr. Rapp noted that this would create a vehicle for adoption of the City budget to <br /> allocate resources, and budget decisions would need to be aligned with some vali- <br /> dated data of citizen expectations, with the outcome that the decision was really <br /> up to the City but aligned with citizen expectations. <br /> Mayor Roe opined it would be a challenge to measure and allocate funds to the <br /> highest priorities since there was a different level of costs associated. <br />