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City Council Meeting Retreat <br /> Tuesday, February 18, 2015 <br /> Page 39 <br /> be communicated well, Councilmember Laliberte opined that it was difficult without <br /> identifying what the City wanted to be known for. <br /> Mr. Rapp questioned if that was related to the vision comments provided in the group list. <br /> Finance Director Miller opined that it might, but noted that most cities like Roseville <br /> would come up with a list, but stated that the unique part of this was what distinguished <br /> Roseville; why you live, work and/or play in Roseville rather than anywhere else. <br /> Mayor Roe questioned if the group was skirting the value proposition form the customer <br /> intimate model, opining that it was a big step to go from a command/control model to the <br /> customer intimate model; and questioned if it was linear or three different and separate <br /> foci. Mayor From his perspective, Mayor Roe indicated that his first question would be <br /> what the City government wanted to be good at; and his second was what the communi- <br /> ty's image was using a maximum of two words for that description. <br /> Mr. Rapp suggested it would be asking what a great community was versus what was its <br /> greatest service, noting that it may be a broad definition as addressed by Finance Director <br /> Miller. <br /> Since everyone talked about Roseville's existing park system, City Manager Trudgeon <br /> questioned if the vision was already out there. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that to be a good city, there needed to be balance, cau- <br /> tion with the tax base, and engineering in place for all amenities. Councilmember <br /> McGehee further opined that Roseville had shopping amenities, senior housing and <br /> healthcare, but needed to address move-up housing as requested by its residents. Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee opined that she was less interested in a brand for the community <br /> that with a good, solid community with a good functioning form of government with a <br /> good park system. Councilmember McGehee noted some areas needing improvement, <br /> including living wage jobs and increasing the tax base to support community amenities <br /> (e.g. trails, pathways, parks) so they can be afforded by those living in the City's housing <br /> stock. Councilmember McGehee stated that was more in line with community expecta- <br /> tions, with comments repeatedly heard that residents didn't want Roseville to be another <br /> Edina or St. Louis Park. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated that she in turn didn't want Roseville to become a <br /> Brooklyn Park or Fridley either. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon stated he wanted Roseville to be great at better communication <br /> with its citizens, which staff was striving to do in every service and program, with land <br /> use issues often being the first response areas. While that goal may not be tangible, Mr. <br /> Trudgeon opined that he wanted Roseville to be great across the board and crossover <br /> among all areas, with that being his take-away theme. <br />