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City Council Meeting Retreat <br /> Tuesday, February 18, 2015 <br /> Page 38 <br /> Mr. Rapp opined he believed in proving that as opposed to it only be anecdotal. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte referenced discussion yesterday that indicated a desired <br /> move from command/control to a more customer intimate model; and advised that <br /> this was what the subgroup was attempting to come up with beyond the silo ap- <br /> proach. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that at the end of two years, perhaps the group could agree <br /> that the City was 80%more customer intimate. <br /> Mr. Rapp advised that the City would know through its interaction with its cus- <br /> tomer base and it would be reflective of its bias toward that point, providing cus- <br /> tomer/stakeholder feedback as part of the target. <br /> Break <br /> 6. Finalize Key Outcome Indicators and Summing Up Review and Reflect on Discus- <br /> sion <br /> In wrapping up today, Mr. Rapp advised that he would summarize today's discussion and <br /> noted, and meet with the City's key leadership to provide participants with full report and <br /> matrix, including the full SWOT and applicable appendices. <br /> Mr. Rapp advised that he typically used the SWOT questionnaires and individual top <br /> three priorities as a double-check based on upfront work and results of working together <br /> as a group. Mr. Rapp advised that it was typical that the results were similar to those ini- <br /> tially listed, and offered to include them as part of his report. <br /> Mayor Roe and Councilmember Laliberte expressed their interest in comparing their in- <br /> dividual SWOTS with the group results, hoping to find agreement from the majority as <br /> one of her ultimate goals of this retreat. Councilmember Laliberte asked if the group <br /> could agree to eliminate what they couldn't agree on, and while understanding it would <br /> eventually become part of the how and strategic initiatives, it would be good to say out <br /> loud what the end result looked like. <br /> Mr. Rapp distributed his list of goals entitled "Highest Priorities" as outlined by City <br /> Councilmembers and staff. <br /> Based on their review of the document, Mayor Roe, City Manager Trudgeon and Mr. <br /> Rapp agreed that they did a good job of hitting most of those issues. <br /> Mr. Rapp noted this indicated a lot of common thinking of participants, and that the sub- <br /> sequent five priorities covered the territory quite well. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte noted a question asked of her by resident Lisa McCormick of <br /> what the City wanted to be known for, or a tagline or brand. While sometimes that can <br />