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8(d) Request far Appraval of Principles of Communicatian and Operatian between the HIiA, <br />Mayar and City Cauncil <br />Cathy B�;nnett indicated that in an effart to outline methods of cammunicatic7n between the HRA <br />and the Raseville Mayor and Council, a�ist of principles has been prepared by staff far <br />consideratic�n af HRA adc]pti<7n, explaining that alth�ugh mast were already being implemented, <br />formal adaptian would indicate a cantinued partnership and col:labaratian c�n housing issues. <br />Motion: IVlember Hermes mc�ved, seconded by Member Sean, ta adopt the fo].lowing Principles <br />of Gammunicatic�n and (7�Zeration and to fr�rward to the City Council far their cnnsideratian a <br />similar d�;claration c7f commitment ta methc�ds af cammunication by the Mayar and Gc�nncil with <br />the HRA: <br />20p4-OS Principles af Communicatian & Operatian <br />I. Statement of Philasophy <br />The purpase of these prr:ncipies is tc7 keep the Roseville City Cc�uncil and H�using & R�;development <br />Autharity informed of activities relating ta the City c�f Raseville. A quality path of communicatian is an <br />ei'fective way ta invake trust and c7penness c�n pcyl3cies, prcyced:ures and actions that affect the citizens of <br />the City c7f Raseville. Effective and systematic comrnunicatian af issues wil.l enable the City Cc7uncil and <br />the HRA tr� wark ta�ether praciuctively on hausing prc�jects and pc�lici�;s. <br />II. Declaratian af Commanication Principles and Partnership <br />The Roseville Housing & Redevelopment Autharity Baard of Commissianers a�;ree ta the followin�;: <br />• Hald at (east one annua] "Hausin� Sum.rnit" in conjunctian with the Roseville City Graunc"rl for <br />the purpc�se of discussing housing issues in the City c�f R<7seville. <br />• Pravide a c�ne page explanation re�;arcling each upcc7ming mc�nthly HRA meeting ta be included <br />withi:n a Cauncil Meeting packet and prc�vicie a verbal summary c�f activities and upcc�rning <br />actions at one Cc�uncil meetin�; each manth, <br />• Pravide, in the cc7uncil mailbax provicied at City Hall, a paper cc�py c>f each meeting packet at <br />1�ast four c�ays prior ta t.he monthly HRA Bc��rd meeting. <br />• CansuLt, at an c��icial me;eting of th�; City C,cruncil, with th�: Mayc�r and Caunc�� c�n any issue <br />relating tn the HRA's legal authority ta use eminent damain r� ic7r to takin�; formal ��ction. <br />• Provide a Hc�using Plan as part af the City af Raseville Comprehensive .Plan. <br />• Prc7vide an annual HRA wark plan for review and camrnent by the Mayor and City Cc7unc�il. <br />• P'rovide a detail bud�et i'c7r the upcc�ming year c�f th� �lanned HRA activiti�s and pragrams a� part <br />c�f the annual City budget prcrcess. <br />Ayes: 5 <br />Nays: () <br />Motic7n carri�:c3. <br />