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Cathy Bennett explained the Pianning I7istrict summaries and project photos. <br />Motian: Member Kelsey maved, seconded by Member Sean, to approve as modiiied the <br />Raseville Multi-Family Housing Study Repc�rt far inclusian in the HRA Hausing Plan <br />and request City Council ta adopt the report for inclusion as a supplement to the Housing <br />Plan in the �ity Camprehensive Plan. <br />Ayes: 5 <br />1'Vays: 0 <br />Mc�tion carried. <br />b. Consideration af Application far use of Restricted Fuuds by Rental Properties. <br />(HF0023) <br />Executive Director 8ennett nated that this item was continued fram the September meeting ta <br />gain additional infarmatian regarding administrative fees for implernentatian af the program. <br />Sennett provided a summary of program changes based upon discussian with the Hausing <br />Resource Staff, Tn additian, Bennett autlined the proposed administration fees far the pragrams <br />at 10% af the laan/grant paol. This fee can be covered using the CDBF funds as verified by <br />Ramsey County. She explained key changes: <br />1) Rental rehab, 50%v as deferred loan. <br />2) Far funding aver $10,000, 5% loan not ta exceed 15 years, and must match SO% with <br />a maximum amc�unt (ta b� determined). Member Hermes asked if when legal action <br />may be necessary — how could this be made more straight-forward. Member Kelsey <br />asked if no payment is received how would the HRA recoup — it is mare expensive ta <br />recoup; there shauld be a maximum lcran amaunt. In 2005, C'ode deficient properties <br />may be the best use of these funds. HRA shauld defer or reserve the $370,000 until <br />rental inspection/code compliance programs are available. <br />Member Bean asked if a pcartian of the pragram could be used for access <br />impravement programs. It wc,uld be one year before a rentallicensing pragram cauld <br />be effective, Member Kelsey explained that the access program shou�d not be 100%a <br />grants; a 50% match should be used; ta a maximum expenditure for 100%a of the <br />program af $50,000 in 2005. <br />Member Kelsey suggested collaborating with and matching other pragrams. <br />Member Hermes noteci $370,000 is too little and spread tao thin. Member I�.elsey and <br />Chair Millasovich asked that staff lc�ok at ather passible saurces far fundin� <br />accessibility at Roseville Senior Housing. <br />Matian: Member Kelsey maved, secc7nciec� by Mernber Sc;heunemann, tcr continue the pr�oposed <br />rental rehab and access imprc]vernent pragrarns to a tim�: whcn the Rental Licensin� and <br />Inspection Prr�gram are available. <br />Ayes: 5 <br />Nays: 0 <br />� <br />