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<br />101 6. <br />STAFF REPORT <br />102 OVAL closes for the season on March 5. <br />· <br />103 Volunteer Appreciation dinner is Thursday, March 5. <br />· <br />104 Staff received an email late today (March 3) regarding Langton Lake Park classification. Resident <br />· <br />105 asked the commission to look at the current classification of Langton Lake as an Urban Park. Based <br />106 on activity & use, writer feels the park would be better classified as a Conservancy Park. <br />107 Brokke recognized the contributions of three Commissioners leaving. Thank you Mary Holt for 6 <br />· <br />108 years of participation and all you have done for the parks & recreation department and the <br />109 community. Thank you to Erin Azer & Nolan Wall for their years of service to the Parks & <br />110 Recreation Commission and all they have done to make Roseville a great community. <br />111 Commission Chair Holt commented on the current applicant pool for the 3 Parks & <br />o <br />112 Recreation Commission positions (15 applicants). This high level of interest is thanks to the <br />113 efforts and involvement of all commissioners. This is further evidence that this Commission <br />114 makes a difference in our community. <br />115 <br />116 7. <br />ELECTION of CHAIR and VICE CHAIR <br />117 D. Holt discussed consideration of a succession plan for Parks & Recreation Commission Chair and <br />· <br />118 Vice Chair positions. In review, Commission terms are 3 years in length and run from April through <br />119 March. The commission chair and vice chair election takes place at the March meeting. Hold <br />120 suggested that it would be useful to the parks & recreation Commission if the Vice Chair was elected <br />121 with the intention of moving into the Chair position after one year, the Chair would then move into a <br />122 past chair position following their one year term and serve as a mentor and provide a historic <br />123 perspective. <br />124 Commissioners around the table agreed with the plan. <br />o <br />125 Current Vice Chair Deidrick explained she does not aspire to serve as Commission <br />126 Chair but she will serve the commission however others see fit. <br />127 D. Holt had spoke with all Commissioners prior to the meeting and found interested <br />128 parties for the Chair and Vice Chair positions who are also supportive of the <br />129 succession Plan. <br />130 <br />Commission Recommendation: <br />131 1.Motion by Gelbach, second by Deidrick, to nominate Jerry Stoner for the position of Chair for the <br />132 Roseville Parks & Recreation Commission. <br />133 a.Nomination passed unanimously <br />134 2.Motion by Deidrick, second by Stoner to nominate Terry Newby for the position of Vice Chair for <br />135 the Roseville Parks & Recreation Commission. <br />136 a.Nomination passed unanimously <br />137 <br />138 Brokke thanked Dave Holt and Lee Deidrick for their service as Commission Chair and Vice Chair. <br />139 <br />140 8. <br />OTHER <br />141 Deidrick commented on how the Commission and serving as Vice Chair has been a delightful <br />· <br />142 experience. <br /> <br />143 Stoner commented on how it seems as involvement on has ramped up lately. <br /> <br />· <br />144 <br />145 Meeting adjourned at 8pm on a motion my Mary Holt in her final meeting. Motion passed unanimously. <br />146 <br />147 Respectfully Submitted, <br />148 Jill Anfang, Assistant Director <br /> <br /> <br />