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4/24/2015 10:06:45 AM
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4/24/2015 10:02:37 AM
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sort system every house now has a cart so the driver always has a place to leave a tag, which <br />eliminates the need for postcards. <br />Letters <br />Personalized letters are another form of communication about programs and services.. There are <br />two types of personalized letters we send to residents: <br />1. Chronic problem letters provide detailed information and instructions about setting out <br />recycling. These letters are used when previous letters have not been successful in <br />correcting repeated problems. Drivers keep a daily record of the addresses that have <br />received tags but still need further education. Addresses that have received tags for three <br />consecutive collection weeks with no change in how they are recycling receive a <br />personalized letter that encourages the resident to contact us so we can have a more in- <br />depth conversation. <br />2. Letters to update service information for Special Pickup Instruction (SPI) customers. <br />These letters are sent when SPI residents have changed the location of their recycling, or if <br />it appears the resident has moved out of the home and no longer needs the service. <br />In 2014 Eureka Recycling sent 151 personalized letters to residents. This is an increase over <br />previous years and is in line with the increase in calls that were made to the hotline. As people <br />first begin using a new system they can become confused about some aspects of the program. A <br />letter can help them understand the issue, while inviting them to call the hotline with additional <br />questions or concerns. The most comrnon issues that generated letters were cardboard not broken <br />down, repeatedly having extra material outside the carts while using a smaller cart, and not having <br />the cart out by 7 a.m. <br />Special Pickup Addresses <br />To ensure every resident has the opportunity to recycle, Eureka Recycling offers to collect <br />recycling from locations other than the curb for residents who request special pickup service due <br />to short- or long-term physical limitations. This service is provided free of charge to ensure that <br />anyone who would like to recycle has the opportunity to do so by helping remove any physical <br />barriers. 30 residents added this service in 2014 for a total of 167 total residents. <br />Multifamily Zero -Waste Recycling Program <br />The City of Roseville has a very successful multifamily <br />zero -waste rccycling program. We now have a total of <br />176 multifamily complexes, 164 residential buildings, <br />and 11 city buildings/parks, 1 business and 1 nonprofit <br />for a total of 6,049 units being serviced in Roseville's <br />multifamily program. <br />In February 2014Eureka Recycling mailed reports to all of Roseville's multifamily building <br />managers, providing them with data on the tonnage recycled for their building(s), a comparison of <br />the amount of tonnage recycled for the whole city's multifamily program, and the environmental <br />benefits of the entire City's effort in recycling. This communication provides the building <br />5 <br />
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