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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
5/4/2015 2:58:40 PM
Creation date
5/4/2015 1:53:11 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 13, 2015 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Mayor Roe stated that first, he agreed about the need to be careful on the defini- <br /> tion of wildlife related specifically to a feeding ban, which he supported even <br /> while noting that although he understood residents may enjoy it, the City Council <br /> was tasked with the responsibility for the broader community, and this affected <br /> the entire community. On the other side, Mayor Roe noted that he could do eve- <br /> rything possible to stop things in his yard, but if the neighbor did not adhere to <br /> that same enforcement mechanism, the City had to address it. Mayor Roe opined <br /> that it came down to actual language and the definition for pets and wildlife in ac- <br /> cordance with city-issued pet license definitions and state statutes as to what <br /> could or could not be kept as a pet. Mayor Roe advised that he had been toying <br /> with the idea of a ratio for Roseville relative to the surrounding area, but was not <br /> sure of how to define those borders, since he had taken into consideration the <br /> point raised during public comment that the problem didn't respect city borders. <br /> Therefore, Mayor Roe suggested it may be prudent to look at ratios in smaller ar- <br /> eas of the community versus the overall city or region, and compare that as part of <br /> the trigger calculations for the control method used. Mayor Roe advised that he <br /> was supportive of a city wildlife management plan, not necessarily part of the or- <br /> dinance, but something more detailed in how best to approach this, and referenced <br /> as part of a future ordinance. If the City considers looking at a bow hunt, which <br /> he had no opinion on at this point, Mayor Roe suggested a review of existing lan- <br /> guage in the City's bow and arrow ordinance for consistency with what would or <br /> would not be allowed. Mayor Roe stated that he would support ordinance lan- <br /> guage returning to the City Council addressing all of those areas. <br /> Laliberte moved, McGehee seconded directing staff to work to create ordinance <br /> language for City Council consideration for a feeding ban and wildlife manage- <br /> ment plan, including an annual education component and defining the trigger for <br /> consequences if the feeding ban was found ineffective, as addressed on page 5 of <br /> the March 9, 2015 Parks & Recreation Commission's recommendations to the <br /> City Council; amended to include involvement with and by Public Works De- <br /> partment and enforcement agency staff in development of the draft ordinance <br /> language; and including a community educational component <br /> City Manager Trudgeon clarified Councilmember McGehee's intent that the Pub- <br /> lic Works Department was her preferred department to involve as opposed to the <br /> Parks & Recreation Department. <br /> Councilmember McGehee responded that was her intent to provide a broader en- <br /> vironmental perspective in addition to parks staff. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that would not limit review to the Parks & Recreation staff <br /> only,but provide a broader staff issue in accordance with language of the motion. <br />
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