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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 13, 2015 <br /> Page 23 <br /> developments hinging on the park at this time or foreseen between now and Au- <br /> gust. <br /> Mr. Bilotta responded that staff was not currently working with any developers <br /> for that property(e.g. PIK property). <br /> Councilmember McGehee asked that, should something come forward that would <br /> impact that discussion, staff move the timeframe forward accordingly. <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned the "TBD" timing for Item 5 regarding the <br /> Terrace Drive subarea design and incentive study. <br /> Mr. Bilotta advised that the"to be determined" designation was simply due to up- <br /> coming strategic planning exercises planned by the HRA, and staff not wanting to <br /> commit them to a time until they reviewed and updated their priority list. <br /> Since residents in general were opposed to big box, Councilmember McGehee <br /> noted the unsuccessful efforts to-date in trying to limit it, but ways were found to <br /> circumvent the ordinance. Councilmember McGehee opined that it was important <br /> to have a definition everyone understood and that was enforceable to ensure big <br /> box development that ended up costing the City more than the taxes it generated <br /> was not permitted. <br /> Regarding big box, Councilmember Willmus opined that one item needing dis- <br /> cussion was to determine what was or was not big box, with a subsequent discus- <br /> sion on whether or not it was going to be allowed. Councilmember Willmus ad- <br /> vised that he was not ready to make a blanket statement that everyone in town is <br /> opposed to big box, as he did not believe that was an accurate statement. Using <br /> the examples of Target and Best Buy,both big box retailers and both having start- <br /> ed in Roseville and having their roots in the community, Councilmember Willmus <br /> opined that a more legitimate discussion would be to define big box in areas that <br /> it may be suitable and where it is not suitable. <br /> Noting the upcoming strategic planning efforts of the HRA and future joint meet- <br /> ings of the HRA and City Council, Mayor Roe suggested it may be prudent to <br /> have that joint meeting before the HRA has their strategic planning. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon clarified that there are several steps to be undertaking be- <br /> fore the joint meeting, and the timing was still being sorted out for next steps as <br /> the HRA established their priorities going forward, but anticipated the timing in <br /> May or June. <br /> Mayor Roe urged that those steps occur in that order as he suggested. <br /> Noting that the community had told the City Council in several ways that they <br /> have an opportunity for input before the City Council is prepared to make their <br />