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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 13,2015 <br /> Page 24 <br /> decision, and given the discussion needed on the broader Twin Lakes area, not <br /> just the subareas, Councilmember Laliberte asked if the dates for input and actual <br /> decision dates were separate meetings. Councilmember Laliberte expressed con- <br /> cern that sufficient time was allowed for the community to weigh in before deci- <br /> sion time. <br /> Mr. Bilotta clarified that staff's intent with the timeline was to break the discus- <br /> sion into smaller pieces for everyone to better understand it going forward with <br /> the process. Mr. Bilotta opined that part of the derailment in moving text <br /> amendments forward in the summer of 2014 was due to complications from those <br /> discussions and lack of understanding by all parties on design standards and uses, <br /> causing the public to be unclear on what was happening in order to provide their <br /> input. Mr. Bilotta advised that staff intended to bring forward (May 4) the draft <br /> use table, providing a series of columns designating current regulations, whether <br /> there was a change proposed last summer, results of input received to-date, and <br /> where that was leading permitted and/or prohibited uses, and those areas appear- <br /> ing to have clear consensus between the City Council and community. Mr. Bilot- <br /> ta clarified that he didn't anticipate any formal City Council action on May 4, as <br /> that information would not yet be put together, and the process needed to include <br /> bringing any consensus back to the Planning Commission and subsequently the <br /> City Council on those items they felt comfortable with. Mr. Bilotta assured all <br /> that this process should allow for a lot of opportunities for public input. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte clarified that she was not opposed to getting started and <br /> making the decisions, but she just wanted to be clear and not have the public get <br /> caught by surprise. <br /> As a practical matter and based on past discussion, Mr. Bilotta advised that it was <br /> staff's intent to hire a Planned Unit Development (PUD) consultant as the process <br /> was introduced. Mr. Bilotta noted that this may involve a new column for the use <br /> table to accommodate that in certain areas where the use may be acceptable with a <br /> PUD versus a Conditional Use, especially those uses that have served as public <br /> lightening rod issues in the past. One of those issues noted by Mr. Bilotta was the <br /> public's sensitivity to height for new developments. <br /> Mayor Roe sought clarification on staff's intent for the use table and whether it <br /> would be for the entire area or broken down by subareas. <br /> Mr. Bilotta responded that staff would initially bring it before the City Council <br /> based on current conditions; and from that discussion anticipated uses defined <br /> from one subarea to another. As a result, Mr. Bilotta stated that he saw the result <br /> of that being the concept and development of subdistricts in the Community <br /> Mixed Use (CMU) designated zoning district (e.g. CMU-2) depending on how <br /> uses come forward. However, Mr. Bilotta advised that he was not presupposing <br /> anything at this point, and suggested starting with a general discussion first. <br />