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City Council Meeting Minutes
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8/11/2015 1:09:19 PM
Creation date
5/21/2015 12:23:34 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,May 4, 2015 <br /> Page 13 <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated that she thought of those things related to Subar- <br /> ea C differently than those things right on Cleveland Avenue, noting that uses <br /> next to Subarea B at the bottom part of Subarea A and bumping up against Subar- <br /> ea C south of Twin Lakes Parkway created significant differences for her between <br /> that and the northerly strip along Langton Lake Park. Councilmember McGehee <br /> stated she was unsure what she thought about the upper piece of Subarea C, but <br /> opined that somehow Subarea C itself had a different character than the internal <br /> side of the pieces. <br /> Mayor Roe stated that he drew a line on his personal map, opining that the south <br /> part of Subarea A belongs in Subarea C (actually Subarea B or C) due to its adja- <br /> cency to the central core of Subarea C. <br /> In the staff report, Mr. Lloyd noted that Twin Lakes Parkway seemed to become <br /> an apparent dividing line between where places seemed to favor higher or lower <br /> density uses (e.g. residential), suggesting that may correspond to the issue raised <br /> by Mayor Roe. <br /> Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of a more horizontal line on the map; <br /> while Mayor Roe expressed his preference for the previous line on the map; and <br /> Councilmember Willmus suggested dissecting parcels may actually play out with <br /> dollar indications. <br /> Mayor Roe recognized a clear consensus by Councilmembers Laliberte, Etten and <br /> Willmus as well as himself, for Twin Lakes Parkway to serve as the dividing line. <br /> Regarding boundaries, Mayor Roe offered his perspective in the northwest section <br /> of Subarea A adjacent to Cleveland Avenue, recognizing the concern raised by <br /> Councilmember Willmus in dividing parcels, making him question whether Sub- <br /> area A is correct for those properties adjacent to the storm water pond and adja- <br /> cent to Langton Lake Park. <br /> Mr. Bilotta responded that Subarea A involved properties near the more sensitive <br /> issues (e.g. Langton Lake Park) and those areas of concern. While the decision <br /> was qualitative, Mr. Bilotta suggested taking those parcels on the far east and <br /> drawing a line; while other parcels have visibility to County Road C and/or <br /> Cleveland Avenue. Mr. Bilotta opined that this would avoid splitting parcels <br /> while still providing protection for the park. <br /> Mayor Roe expressed concern with narrowing Subarea A and it only becoming a <br /> strip adjacent to the park. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that the storm water pond was a nice amenity <br /> for future development in the area. Councilmember McGehee expressed her sup- <br />
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