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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 4, 2015 <br /> Page 14 <br /> port for not splitting that section, but leaving it all in Subarea A for lower intensi- <br /> ty uses, and more heavy intensity to the south. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe for clarification, Councilmember Etten suggested <br /> leaving all parcels currently identified in the northwest corner in Subarea A and <br /> not split it up given the lake storm water pond and other things, making sense to <br /> leave it as a whole parcel and avoid running into other multi-family residential <br /> parcels. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte agreed, opining that if intended for a less intensive use, <br /> she saw no reason to carve up that area. <br /> General Groupings (Attachment B, continued) <br /> Mayor Roe noted significant differences between Subareas B and C, noting two <br /> distinct City Council viewpoints expressed tonight regarding intended uses or lo- <br /> cations, particularly in Subarea C, the central area around Fairview Avenue. <br /> Specific to Subarea C, Councilmember McGehee noted that it was a huge area, <br /> including up to County Road C, and she saw a slight difference in Subarea C <br /> south of Terrace Drive versus those areas along County Road C and Fairview Av- <br /> enue, at least east of Fairview Avenue (former Subarea 5). <br /> For clarification at the request of Mayor Roe, Councilmember McGehee stated <br /> that she was fine with including former Subarea 5 in Subarea B all the way up to <br /> Terrace Drive. <br /> Mayor Roe stated that he still lumped those Subareas together as a zoning area, <br /> while recognizing the City Council's approach to former Subarea 6 may suggest <br /> more of a rehabilitation versus redevelopment process. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Councilmember Etten concurred that the former <br /> Subarea 6, now Subarea C, should not be split up since it has some flexibility and <br /> Subarea C fit close enough. Councilmember Etten suggested leaving that area <br /> whole, especially with the current businesses there being successful and not desir- <br /> ing to zone them out of that area. <br /> Mayor Roe noted there were three basic subareas moving forward and creating a <br /> target depending on how they were defined. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte sought clarification as to whether the body saw Subare- <br /> as C uses being treated differently than the two Subarea B's. <br /> Councilmembers McGehee and Etten agreed they would consider treating them <br /> differently. <br />