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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 4,2015 <br /> Page 16 <br /> that a desired outcome. Councilmember Etten noted it may be necessary to actu- <br /> ally identify parcels before proceeding further. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred, suggesting leaving Subarea C for the time being, and con- <br /> sidering actual uses permitted for Subareas B and C. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte suggested, with concurrence by Mayor Roe, on receiv- <br /> ing public input prior to moving ahead to avoid further confusion. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Lisa McCormick,Wheeler Street <br /> Ms. McCormick expressed her sincere appreciation for this format allowing for <br /> public comment after initial discussions. <br /> However, Ms. McCormick expressed her personal concerns in the significant dif- <br /> ferences in how she viewed Subarea C immediately south of Terrace Drive and <br /> down County Road C. Ms. McCormick expressed her appreciation in the com- <br /> ments made about traffic on Fairview Avenue, and referenced her discussion with <br /> Mr. Bilotta earlier on the character of properties off Fairview Avenue and current <br /> Tile Shop and Medical building setting the gateway at the corners for that en- <br /> trance. Ms. McCormick noted both buildings were two-stories, and suggested <br /> something missing from this discussion was height as well as 24-hour operations. <br /> Given the character of Fairview Avenue, Ms. McCormick expressed a preference <br /> for less intense uses along the corridor. <br /> Mayor Roe noted both height and 24-hour operations were intended for discus- <br /> sion as part of this process. <br /> Ms. McCormick further cautioned the City Council and reminded them that Mr. <br /> Lloyd suggested the indication of positive survey responses for industrial uses in <br /> Subarea 4. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that the responses, as reported by Mr. Lloyd, indicated nega- <br /> tive to neutral responses to industrial uses in Subarea 4. <br /> Ms. McCormick opined that there was more indication for residential uses; and <br /> sought to continue bringing that up as it fell in line with the citizen petition previ- <br /> ously submitted for what the neighborhood wanted in the Twin Lakes Redevel- <br /> opment Area: less intense uses along Fairview Avenue and height issues ad- <br /> dressed in the entire area. <br /> Table of Uses (Attachment A) <br /> Mayor Roe suggested starting at the top and moving through each use, with the <br /> City Council reacting to both the existing zoning designation under Community <br />