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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,May 4,2015 <br /> Page 17 <br /> Mixed Use(CMU) and those permitted uses, and the uses as proposed in the 2014 <br /> exercise and suggested changes based on public feedback. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that the entire Twin Lakes Redevelopment had been zoned <br /> CMU (shown on the left of the table) and 2014 changes (shown on the right of the <br /> table) indicating a change of direction by the City Council based on public feed- <br /> back and taken into account during tonight's discussion. If zoning is not currently <br /> permitted in either case, Mayor Roe suggested it was easy to simply delete those <br /> uses. However, for those uses not currently permitted and proposed to be <br /> changed to permitted uses, Mayor Roe noted the need to make a decision tonight <br /> between the two to address those conflicts. <br /> Mr. Bilotta suggested an additional category beyond "Permitted (P)" or "Not <br /> Permitted (NP)," that would include "Permitted with a Conditional Use (CU)" or <br /> "Permitted with a Planned Unit Development(PUD)." <br /> Mayor Roe noted the need to address parameters for PUD; with Mr. Bilotta sug- <br /> gesting that would only indicate at this point that additional discretion was desired <br /> by the City Council for that particular use, and could be dealt with in later discus- <br /> sions. <br /> Accessory: Drive-thru <br /> Mayor Roe noted they were currently and proposed as NP. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted that this would mean no banks would be allowed <br /> in the Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area, and suggested more discussion and feed- <br /> back was needed. <br /> Mr. Bilotta concurred, noting that this also included no pharmacies or other appli- <br /> cable uses with drive-thru's. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that current Commercial and/or Business Park/Office zoning <br /> designations require a CU for a drive-thru; and suggested clarifying this NP spe- <br /> cific to fast food. <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned the need for any drive-thru, opining that <br /> their uses created more asphalt, idling traffic, and pass-through traffic issues. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte expressed her support of a pharmacy, coffee or bank <br /> drive-thru use, as long as they were not up against residential properties due to <br /> headlight, direction and speaker issues. While not opposed to this use in Subarea <br /> B and could see it in Subarea C, Councilmember Laliberte stated that she was not <br /> supportive of it as a use up against residential properties, such as in Subarea A. <br />