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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 4,2015 <br /> Page 19 <br /> Civic/Institutional: Hospital <br /> Since Mayor Roe was unable to find reference to this use (specifically hospitals) <br /> in existing use tables to determine how they were being handled in other zoning <br /> designations, he admitted he was unsure how to do so here. Mayor Roe stated <br /> that the only reference he found was for Permitted Use with CU in Of- <br /> fice/Business Park zoned districts. <br /> Mr. Bilotta advised that they had been included in that designation as a result of <br /> the one-time hospital proposal in that area. <br /> Mayor Roe stated that, in Subarea A, the response had been lukewarm to nega- <br /> tive, and also in Subareas C and B, questioning what that indicated. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated, when considering a modern hospital with a hel- <br /> ipad and emergency traffic and operating 24/7, she would rule that use out based <br /> on previous discussions. <br /> Without objection, Mayor Roe concluded that this was a NP use anywhere in the <br /> Twin Lakes Area. <br /> Commercial; Daycare Center <br /> Mayor Roe noted this use had received a fairly positive response in most districts. <br /> By consensus Without objection, Mayor Roe concluded that this was a P use in all <br /> Subareas, subject for additional public input. <br /> Commercial: Lodging(hotel) <br /> Mayor Roe noted the response had been negative for this use in Subareas A and C <br /> and some already existing in Subarea B, indicting,by apparent consensus, it was a <br /> NP use in Subareas A and C, and a P use in Subarea B. <br /> Commercial: Restaurants (Fast Food) <br /> Mayor Roe noted, as previously indicated, this was only a P use in Subarea B. <br /> Mr. Bilotta clarified that "fast food" needed further definition as it didn't only in- <br /> dicate a drive-thru, but was also considered for uses such as a Subway franchise, <br /> and indicated counter service versus a sit-down restaurant. <br /> When Mayor Roe questioned the designation of a Panera franchise, Mr. Bilotta <br /> responded that this fell under a different use category, "fast casual." <br /> As discussion fell into potential restaurants that could already be in process for <br /> the Twin Lakes Area as part of current development, City Manager Trudgeon <br /> clarified that current development indicated restaurants, but their type or category <br /> had yet to be determined and would need to be based on a number of limiting fac- <br />