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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,May 4, 2015 <br /> Page 18 <br /> However, in general, Councilmember Laliberte stated she was not wild about hav- <br /> ing fast food uses allowed in the area. <br /> Councilmember Etten agreed that drive-thru's were appropriate uses in Subareas <br /> B and C. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated she'd support that use in Subarea B, but not <br /> Subarea C. <br /> As in other commercial districts, Mayor Roe noted their use would need CU ap- <br /> proval, and therefore would be determined on a case by case basis in those zoning <br /> designations. Therefore, Mayor Roe noted the consensus was to allow drive- <br /> thru's in Subarea B with a CU. <br /> Regarding permitting them in Subarea C, Councilmember Willmus opined that it <br /> appeared uses were being overly restricted in some areas. While understanding <br /> the need to protect residential areas and the area around Langton Lake by only al- <br /> lowing drive-thru's in certain areas of Subarea B and not in Subarea A, Coun- <br /> cilmember Willmus noted that the body was literally talking about one side of <br /> Prior Avenue or another, making much less sense. <br /> Mayor Roe asked Councilmember Willmus if the CU could address that issue for <br /> him. <br /> Councilmember Willmus responded that it could; however, he recognized incred- <br /> ibly complex land use scenarios that could come forward; and expressed his con- <br /> cern with development applications and implications moving forward. While try- <br /> ing to keep an open mind for this discussion, Councilmember Willmus stated that <br /> it might behoove the City Council to work out definitions of uses before specifi- <br /> cally discussion Subareas A, B, and C on the map. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested those definitions may be identified as uses were reviewed, <br /> such as differences for fast food drive-thru's versus other uses. <br /> Councilmember McGehee provided clarification from her perspective that this <br /> was only a first pass and would be deferred for further refinement based on this <br /> discussion and public comment, and would not be the final word. <br /> Mayor Roe confirmed that this was not intended as the final discussion. <br /> In conclusion for this specific use, Mayor Roe, with no objection from the body, <br /> concluded that Accessory Use: drive-thru's were Permitted Use with a CU for <br /> Subarea B and potentially Subarea C as well, subject to further public input for <br /> more public areas. <br />