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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,May 4, 2015 <br /> Page 9 <br /> Owner Jason Morrissey,Morrissey Development <br /> Mr. Morrissey provided a history of the building, and their work with the City in <br /> pursuing a zoning/planning process before the Planning Commission for an <br /> apartment building several years ago. However, at that time, Mr. Morrissey stated <br /> that they had backed off those plans based on the City's apparent interest in ac- <br /> quiring this property for the adjacent park land, with that process taking several <br /> years and a subsequent decision by the City not to pursue it due to higher-than- <br /> anticipated appraisal coming in at half the tax value of the property. <br /> Therefore, Mr. Morrissey stated he was now back at the beginning to consider op- <br /> • <br /> tions for a redevelopment project. Mr. Morrissey opined that the existing build- <br /> ing's current condition would not pass City Code inspection, nor did he think the <br /> City of Roseville would want it to remain. <br /> Regarding staff's recommended date of June 20, Mr. Morrissey opined he could <br /> have the property violations corrected by then; and his only request was for flexi- <br /> bility regarding painting the entire building based on the possible demolition for a <br /> future project. Mr. Morrissey offered his willingness to spray wash and touch-up <br /> paint the building to look better without spending too much time and money on <br /> that aspect. Regarding missing sections of siding, Mr. Morrissey advised that <br /> some had rotted spots and would be repaired, in addition to the large sections cut <br /> out intentionally to determine if rebar was in place that would prove sufficient to <br /> support a two-story apartment building with underground parking, which it would <br /> not. Mr. Morrissey assured the City Council that he would do a good job in <br /> cleaning up the property, advising that he would be performing the work himself. <br /> Mr. Morrissey clarified that he had hired someone to cut the grass, and had not <br /> been aware that that person had felt no need to cut grass behind the berms where <br /> the public couldn't see it, but agreed it needed to be cleaned up. <br /> Regarding building security, Mr. Morrissey advised that the building had been se- <br /> cured when previously notified by the City, and had since been compromised <br /> again. As recently as yesterday, Mr. Morrissey advised that the door had been <br /> welded shut and the roof door fastened shut, so opined there should be no way in <br /> or out. Mr. Morrissey noted that this left basically cosmetic issues to bring into <br /> compliance with City Code. Mr. Morrissey asked that he and Mr. Munson work <br /> cooperatively on options for a gate to keep people from depositing more debris on <br /> the lot in the future. <br /> Councilmember Willmus questioned Mr. Morrissey on a timeline and/or decision <br /> for potentially razing the building. <br /> Mr. Morrissey responded that the building was not usable the way it is; and ad- <br /> vised that it would mean his working with City staff to determine how to develop <br /> a multi-family building there, based on adjacent multi-family properties. Mr. <br />