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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 4, 2015 <br /> Page 8 <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: McGehee, Willmus, Laliberte, Etten, and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> b. Community Development Department Request to Perform an Abatement for <br /> Unresolved Violations of City Code at 2560 Fry Street <br /> Codes Coordinator Don Munson reviewed current code violations at this com- <br /> mercial property, formerly the Press Gym and vacant for approximately eight <br /> years, and the current owner identified as Morrissey Development Company. Mr. <br /> Munson provided a status update, including photos, of current violations, primari- <br /> ly the building and site in significant disrepair (violations of City Code, Sections <br /> 407.02.C1 407.02.D, 407.02.J & K, 407.03.H, 906.05.B, C & D). In order to <br /> abate this property, Mr. Munson estimated costs at $20,000 for removal of debris <br /> in the parking lot; removal of junk/debris from the site (e.g. mattress, sign, logs); <br /> cutting and removing overgrown brush between the building and road; cutting <br /> overgrown grass; and patching, repairing and repainting the entire building. <br /> Mr. Munson advised that a previous abatement had been approved for the site by <br /> the City Council, but after the winter snow had diminished, additional complaints <br /> had been received regarding more exterior issues, as detailed in the RCA dated <br /> May 4, 2015. Due to these additional issues, Mr. Munson advised that staff was <br /> requesting a delay in City abatement until June 20, 2015 to allow the property <br /> owner additional time to address the issues on their own, especially those addi- <br /> tional exterior items not previously identified. Mr. Munson clarified that this <br /> abatement would simply be the most cost-effective way to provide a short-term <br /> solution to the property owner to determine whether to rebuild or demolish the <br /> building. <br /> Mr. Munson noted that the property owner had been in contact with the City, but <br /> to-date, there had been no resolution; and further noted that Mr. Jason Morrissey <br /> was present in the audience and wished to address the City Council. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Munson clarified that the request <br /> for additional time for the abatement was due to the additional exterior issues dis- <br /> covered in April after the snow melt, not due to any request by the owner for ad- <br /> ditional time to decide whether or not to raze or repair the building. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Munson estimated it may take <br /> that additional two months to bid the work out for a contractor, to cut vegetation <br /> and other work that may take considerable time to accomplish. However, Mr. <br /> Munson recognized that the work could also be accomplished sooner than that, <br /> but the June 20th date allowed sufficient time for completion prior to implement- <br /> ing a City abatement, and also at a cost much less for the owner to perform the <br /> work than the City to hire contractors to perform the abatement. <br />