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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
5/22/2015 11:45:51 AM
Creation date
5/22/2015 8:23:39 AM
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Public Works Commission
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402 <br />program, either operated by Ramsey County or a private entity, but need to be <br />403 <br />permitted by the MPCA and probably subsidized to some degree by Ramsey <br />404 <br />County for that market development to happen with a closer transfer station. Mr. <br />405 <br />Goodwin recognized the growing interest in organic recycling in Ramsey County. <br />406 <br />407 <br />Member Cihacek suggested using the compost drop offs across Ramsey County, <br />408 <br />and while not to scale for city-wide collection, questioned if was a possible <br />409 <br />solution. <br />410 <br />411 <br />Mr. Goodwin, with concurrence by Member Wozniak, noted that those sites were <br />412 <br />fairly small and often embedded in neighborhoods, creating some difficulties or <br />413 <br />desirability in a larger scale operation being p ed within an area of <br />414 <br />residential backyards. <br />415 <br />416 Member Cihacek suggested that residents could drop off organics with their <br />417 leaves and other materials at those sites. <br />418 <br />419 Mr. Goodwin questioned the percentage of residents willing tohose <br />420 materials themselves, and how participation could be improved up vising <br />421 that organics represented 30% or more of current garbage tonnage. <br />422 <br />423 Chair Stenlund thanked Mr. Goodwin for his annual update, and asked for his <br />424 opinion in trending for 2015 related to revenue. <br />425 <br />426 Mr. Goodwin opined that, at this time, he foresNo- <br />urnaround in areas <br />427 experiencing downward pressures at least in the or median -term given <br />428 market impacts. Mr. Goodwin continued to express his confidence in continuing <br />429 education for multi -family buildings throtrulkies <br />specific communication efforts in <br />430 removing higher problem materials calle (e.g. toys, kitty litter pails, etc.). <br />431 <br />432 Chair Stenlund asked that Eureka create an app for smart phones allowing instant <br />433 information on items recyclable or not, and additional information based on <br />434 symbols on materials. <br />435 <br />436 Mr. Goodwin duly noted that request, advising that Eureka was currently <br />437 revamping their website to make it more usable for other applications, including <br />438 I -pads, and sought further feedback once that website was launched. <br />439 <br />440 7. I -35W Interchange Project <br />441 Mr. Culver provided a brief update on the I -35W Interchange Project and <br />442 anticipated reconstruction at I -35W Northbound at Cleveland Avenue and as it <br />443 intersects with Twin Lakes Parkway. Mr. Culver reviewed the plan sheet as <br />444 displayed and bidding process, and subsequent financing as well as timelines. <br />445 <br />446 Discussion included timelines for construction; limited storm water work required <br />447 as part of the project; current state bid climate; separated process for signal work; <br />Page 10 of 13 <br />
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