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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,May 27, 2015 <br /> Page 2 <br /> 9. Consider Items Removed from Consent <br /> 10. General Ordinances for Adoption <br /> 11. Presentations <br /> 12. Public Hearings <br /> 13. Budget Items <br /> City Manager Trudgeon briefly introduced the purpose of tonight's meeting as an initial <br /> step in developing the 2016 budget, beginning with department presentations to identify <br /> specific operational issues and priorities that will impact the 2016 budget. Mr. Trudgeon <br /> advised that staff was seeking to present a fiscally responsible budget with limited impact <br /> to the taxpayer, as well as identifying other opportunities to provide services and/or iden- <br /> tify any available cost savings. Mr. Trudgeon noted that management staff had been <br /> working with their various staffs and were provided an opportunity to review program- <br /> ming and rationale for continuing that programming or services, rather than just continu- <br /> ing to do so because"we've always done it that way." <br /> Mr. Trudgeon noted that the intent tonight was for each department to provide a general <br /> discussion with trends, areas of focus, and specific City Council feedback and/or requests <br /> for additional information from those departments. Mr. Trudgeon advised that several <br /> departments would present tonight, and the remainder present at the Special City Council <br /> meeting scheduled on June 1, 2015. Mr. Trudgeon advised that he would use this infor- <br /> mation and solicit any additional feedback from the City Council, along with results of <br /> the priorities and initiatives outlined in the strategic planning exercise to prepare his City <br /> Manager-recommended budget intended for presentation in July of 2015 for further dis- <br /> cussion and refinement. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon reviewed the budget process and next steps over the next few months, re- <br /> action and other comments by the City Council at their June 15 workshop; opportunities <br /> for public feedback throughout that process; and involvement of the Finance Commission <br /> in the process before preliminary levy and budget adoption in September and a Final <br /> Budget and Levy enacted by December 8, 2015. <br /> a. Finance Department Budget Presentation <br /> Finance Director Chris Miller provided opening comments and then deferred to <br /> the Finance Department's leadership team and various operating departments: Fi- <br /> nance/Accounting, License Center, and Information Technology Division. <br /> Mr. Miller advised that the department had, over the last twelve months, per- <br /> formed a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) assessment as <br /> they developed a five-year strategic plan, which they would present to the City <br /> Council at a later date. Mr. Miller advised that tonight's intent was to outline the <br />