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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,May 27, 2015 <br /> Page 22 <br /> in importing data, but the system was in a much better place now, and anticipated <br /> it would serve to free up much of the department's time in the future. As noted by <br /> Councilmember Laliberte, Mr. Trudgeon confirmed that this was why he was rec- <br /> ommending the staffing hold steady for now until those operational issues were <br /> put into play. However, Mr. Trudgeon also noted that, with only a one-person <br /> department and if that person was sick or on vacation, there were some Human <br /> Resources issues that could not wait, and while he and Ms. O'Conner tried to as- <br /> sist, they were limited with their other duties and often not able to provide timely <br /> responses or address critical incident responses sufficiently. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte noted that in last year's budget discussion, she had <br /> learned that insurance premiums for single coverage was paid 100% by the City, <br /> and asked if Mr. Trudgeon could provide at various scenarios for insurance shar- <br /> ing or splitting that could address disparities across the board. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon duly noted this request. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted the need for succession planning for both the <br /> Human Resources and Volunteer Coordinator positions, and since both needed <br /> assistance, perhaps a person could be trained in both those areas to accommodate <br /> that need and future planning. <br /> City Manager also duly noted this request; advising that at a later date and after <br /> the 2016 budget, it was his intent to again review how the Administration De- <br /> partment was structured for effectiveness and the number of direct reports to him. <br /> However, Mr. Trudgeon noted this would have an associated cost and sensitivity <br /> would be needed as to the timing of any future restructuring as well. <br /> Even though the Human Resources function was currently under the overall Ac- <br /> counting Function of the City, as other department reorganizations were reviewed, <br /> Mayor Roe suggested there may be overlaps that could be taken advantage as part <br /> of future reorganization to determine if there were other areas indicating a mis- <br /> match in duties and/or time, and to find possible synergies. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon assured that he would explore all possibilities. <br /> In conclusion, Mayor Roe expressed appreciation for staff reports, and having this dis- <br /> cussion early in the budget process. Mayor Roe opined good information was provided <br /> by management staff and good conversations had resulted. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte, with concurrence by Mayor Roe, thanked members of the Fi- <br /> nance Commission in attendance tonight. <br /> Councilmember McGehee thanked City Manager Trudgeon for his work with depart- <br /> ments on their budgets, and in resuscitating the strategic plan. <br />