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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
6/16/2015 10:41:09 AM
Creation date
6/15/2015 10:56:06 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,May 11, 2015 <br /> Page 2 <br /> that a sale of the home would be delayed due to the ongoing code enforcement is- <br /> sues at an adjacent home. Ms. Kennedy noted that she had made the City Attor- <br /> ney aware of this long-term situation with six vehicles parked in the adjacent <br /> home's driveway, a boat stored in the front yard, and numerous items stored in the <br /> back yard. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, City Attorney Gaughan responded that he had <br /> brought the issue to the attention of the City's code enforcement personnel for <br /> resolution. <br /> Ms. Kennedy noted that she had spoken with Brian Englund from the City, and <br /> had been advised that the adjacent property owner had been notified in accord- <br /> ance with the legal process for code violations and had until May 20, 2015 to take <br /> action prior to the City pursuing an abatement or citation process to resolve the <br /> violations. Ms. Kennedy asked for assistance in getting the immediate problem <br /> resolved, and opined that the situation should not be allowed to continue in this <br /> neighborhood of other well-kept properties. Ms. Kennedy advised that she had <br /> spoken to the owner of the property who admitted he does not live there but only <br /> used it for storage; and while he was nice and agreed to resolve the situation when <br /> asked by Ms. Kennedy, he had yet to do so. <br /> Ms. Kennedy also noted an apparently broken water main in front of the home she <br /> has for sale and asked the City's attention to this as well so it did not serve as a <br /> further detriment in selling the home. <br /> Ms. Kennedy, noting the current physical and emotional health of her sister, asked <br /> that City staff not communicate in any way with her sister or brother-in-law, but <br /> only directly to her as she has Power of Attorney for them, and should be the only <br /> point of contact. Ms. Kennedy provided her business card to each Councilmem- <br /> ber as well as City Manager Trudgeon and City Attorney Gaughan. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked staff to provide an update to the City Council as <br /> this process continues. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon duly noted that request; and reviewed the detailed break- <br /> down of the process with the adjacent property owner to-date, confirming that the <br /> second violation notice had been sent out and the property owner had until May <br /> 20, 2015 to resolve the violations, following the normal process. Mr. Trudgeon <br /> advised that the next step, if violations remained unattended to, would be to pro- <br /> ceed with a request to the City Council for a Ramsey Court citation; and agreed <br /> the City Council would be advised of the process as it continued. <br /> In addressing Ms. Kennedy, Mayor Roe noted that usually when something is <br /> scheduled before the City Council for abatement or Ramsey County citation, it <br />
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