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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
6/25/2015 4:08:23 PM
Creation date
6/25/2015 3:59:03 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 15, 2015 <br /> Page 14 <br /> Mayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 8:15 p.m., and reconvened at approximately <br /> 8:23 p.m. Given the time, and with no dissention from his colleagues, Mayor Roe amended the <br /> agenda to first meet with the HRA and then move to budget discussions. <br /> 15. Business Items—Presentations/Discussions <br /> a. Housing& Redevelopment Authority(HRA) Strategic Planning Discussion <br /> Mayor Roe welcomed Commissioners and thanked them for these quarterly meet- <br /> ings and improved communications between the two bodies. <br /> Chair Dean Maschka and Commissioners Susan Elkins and Dan Wall were pre- <br /> sent, along with Councilmember/HRA member Jason Etten. Community Devel- <br /> opment Director and Acting HRA Executive Director Paul Bilotta was also avail- <br /> able as needed; and HRA Consultant Barbara Raye was present as a precursor to <br /> upcoming HRA strategic planning efforts. <br /> Chair Maschka briefly reviewed accomplishments and programs of the HRA <br /> since the last joint meeting and as detailed in the RCA dated June 15, 2015. Chair <br /> Maschka opined that to-date, the HRA has demonstrated novel, creative ideas and <br /> working models on which to build; and had available to it time to dig into those <br /> issues that is not readily available to the City Council. <br /> However, Chair Maschka noted the current "elephant in the room," which he at- <br /> tributed to the Dale Street Project, which fortunately remained successful. As part <br /> of the HRA's upcoming discussion at the strategic planning meeting, Chair Mas- <br /> chka noted the need to openly and honestly discuss what went wrong with that <br /> process, its timeline and missing metrics in performing due diligence. Chair Mas- <br /> chka noted that the way the project had been removed from the HRA's auspices <br /> had been very disconcerting, and recognized that the City Council had come close <br /> to a mass resignation of acting Commissioners serving on the HRA, creating vari- <br /> ous and unfortunate communication issues and misperceptions. <br /> As a result, Chair Maschka uestioned what the ongoing HRA role and use of <br /> q <br /> their full authority was from the perspective of the City Council, whether it should <br /> remain fully functioning or become a non-essential entity. If the City Council <br /> was uncomfortable with the statutory authority of the HRA and levy ability, <br /> which seemed to be creating some tension, Chair Maschka suggested the City <br /> Council may wish to fill that role itself rather than second-guessing the efforts of <br /> the HRA. By its very nature, Chair Maschka noted that the HRA filled in where <br /> the private market place didn't work. <br /> Chair Maschka noted another area of concern was in the role of the HRA's Ex- <br /> ecutive Director and current status as a City of Roseville employee while the <br /> HRA paid the entire salary for the position without having any say or input in as- <br /> sessing or reviewing performance. Chair Maschka clarified that the HRA had no <br />
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