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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 22,2015 <br /> Page 22 <br /> Mayor Roe agreed with Councilmember Etten's comments regarding updating the <br /> CIP. <br /> Mayor Roe expressed his agreement in only going through 2016 from the point of <br /> view that 2015 is already half over, and if pursuing a similar exercise as this in <br /> 2016 it only be done with the purpose to further tweak this document. <br /> When talking about strategic planning, and in response to the public and citizen <br /> advisory commissions, Mayor Roe opined that the City Council reworded it to re- <br /> flect the intent as a priority planning exercise, and not an exercise to develop a <br /> new Imagine Roseville 2025 community document. Mayor Roe clarified that <br /> such a community visioning process would be the focus in a few years, and the <br /> perception of this process became much larger than originally intended. Howev- <br /> er, Mayor Roe expressed his appreciation to his colleagues that the original intent <br /> was being refocused, which should make the public more comfortable with the <br /> outcome. Mayor Roe reiterated that the purpose of this exercise and subsequent <br /> document was not replacing the CEC discussion and larger community vision; <br /> and also emphasized that the Imagine Roseville 2025 community visioning pro- <br /> cess would need to be revisited in the near future, and would be an entirely sepa- <br /> rate process than this. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte Responses <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated that, if organizational effectiveness was eliminat- <br /> ed from the document, she was fine with that. <br /> As for effective governance, if to remain or be disseminated, Councilmember <br /> Laliberte suggested it be discussed further at a future City Council Worksession. <br /> Regarding renaming community outreach, Councilmember Laliberte opined that <br /> some still didn't serve to measure engagement. If better direction is needed for <br /> citizen advisory commission, Councilmember Laliberte suggested the CEC pro- <br /> vide recommendation to the City Council but not include it in this document for <br /> eventual adoption. <br /> Specific to housing and redevelopment priorities, Councilmember Laliberte noted <br /> the many entities working on those items, including the Planning Commission, <br /> HRA, Community Development Department and CEC. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte spoke in support of retaining the priority for infrastruc- <br /> ture sustainability. <br /> Councilmember McGehee asked that her four overarching focus areas be incorpo- <br /> rated into each and every goal as finalized, and including: educational outreach, <br /> transparency, formulation of policy, and process. <br /> Public Comment <br />