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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, June 22,2015 <br /> Page 21 <br /> Regarding infrastructure and housing, Councilmember Willmus noted the need <br /> for them to remain,but suggested more focus of the City Council and their citizen <br /> advisory commissions in order to attain the direction being sought. <br /> One area of disagreement Councilmember Willmus noted as addressed by Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee included targets being static, but from his perspective they <br /> should be continually moving. As an example, when the new housing units come <br /> online as part of the Dale Street project, Councilmember Willmus opined the need <br /> remained to continue evaluating housing needs. <br /> Councilmember McGehee clarified that was not the intent of her comments, and <br /> agreed with Councilmember Willmus' perspective that they continued to move; <br /> and would constantly be in flux. <br /> Mayor Roe <br /> While in agreement with a lot of things already discussed and the common view- <br /> points expressed, Mayor Roe questioned the need to rank the priorities by num- <br /> ber, but to simply recognize them as THE priorities with no one more important <br /> than another. Mayor Roe spoke in support of streamlining and reducing the doc- <br /> ument. <br /> Specific to organizational effectiveness, Mayor Roe agreed this was more inter- <br /> nal, even though the goal was to have the City Manager more involved, it may be <br /> of lower priority for the City Council and therefore removed as part of this docu- <br /> ment. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested combining organizational effectiveness with civic engage- <br /> ment re-titled as "Community Outreach/Engagement," and then have two other <br /> categories and priorities identified as "Housing and Redevelopment," and "Infra- <br /> structure Sustainability." <br /> Councilmember Laliberte spoke at some length about the five priorities and initia- <br /> tives, targets and measures. In the end, she recommended that civic engagement, <br /> organizational effectiveness, and effective governance be eliminated from the <br /> document because that work is already being done by departments and commis- <br /> sions and our City Manager. She recommended that the Housing and Redevelop- <br /> ment priorities and Infrastructure Sustainability priorities remain, but more work <br /> be done on the initiatives and targets/measures. <br /> Regarding effective governance, if combined with civic engagement, Mayor Roe <br /> opined that only the area of process transparency be retained and development of <br /> ways to improve it and hold the City Council and staff accountable to ongoing <br /> improvement. <br />