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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 22,2015 <br /> Page 28 <br /> Financing District No. 12;" for the purpose of purchasing property from the Ro- <br /> seville Housing and Redevelopment Authority, and performance of the actions <br /> necessary to meet the City's obligations as identified in the Resolution. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: McGehee,Willmus, Laliberte, Etten, and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked staff to keep the neighborhood informed of steps <br /> going forward; with Mr. Bilotta duly noting that request. <br /> c. Community Development Department Request to Perform an Abatement for <br /> Unresolved Violations of City Code at 959 Brenner Avenue <br /> Permit Coordinator Don Munson reviewed current code violations at this single- <br /> family, detached home (owner-occupied), with the current owner of record identi- <br /> fied as Bernard Robichaud. Mr. Munson provided a status update, including pho- <br /> tos, of current violations, including an inoperable and unlicensed vehicle in the <br /> driveway (violation of City Code, Section 407.02.0); dilapidated and collapsed <br /> shed in the rear yard with junk/debris inside (violation of City Code, Section <br /> 407.02.J, 407.03.H, and 906.05.00; and a broken garage door in the op en posi- <br /> tion(violation of City Code, Section 407.02.J and 906.05.C). <br /> Mr. Munson noted complaints first addressed last October, and given this elderly <br /> home owner and related health issues, resolution had not occurred, and subse- <br /> quent complaints had been received since then, with the owner only able to com- <br /> plete some of the work. Since it is now three months later, Mr. Munson asked the <br /> City Council's approval of the requested abatement, since debris remained in the <br /> backyard. Mr. Munson provided comparison photos and updates as current. Mr. <br /> Munson advised that staff had attempted connecting the owner with the Northeast <br /> Youth and Family Services agency,but final resolution had not yet occurred. <br /> Given the owner's resolution of several violations, including the vehicle, partial <br /> removal and disposal of the shed, and repair of the garage door, Mr. Munson re- <br /> vised the staff request to complete removal and disposal of the shed,junk and de- <br /> bris if not completed by the owner in the next two weeks. <br /> Mayor Roe welcomed the property owner, Mr.Robichaud, for his response. <br /> Bernard Robichaud,959 Brenner Avenue <br /> Mr. Robichaud reviewed the history of these violations, his ongoing and multiple <br /> health issues and hospitalizations and recoveries further delaying resolution, and <br /> his perception of what had been effectively cleaned up to-date, opining that three <br /> of the four items had been resolved. <br /> Mr. Robichaud referenced previous discussions he'd had with Mr. Munson and <br /> his intention to accomplish the work. Mr. Robichaud reported that he had sold the <br />