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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 22,2015 <br /> Page 29 <br /> car, and intended to address remaining issues, but asked that the City Council al- <br /> low him five weeks to do so. <br /> Mr. Robichaud reported the support of most of his neighbors, with only one per- <br /> son consistently complaining and having done so in the past as well. Mr. Ro- <br /> bichaud expressed his favorable impression with the competency of the City <br /> Council and thanked staff for their attempts to assist him and provide resources. <br /> However, Mr. Robichaud stated that beyond health issues, it was financially diffi- <br /> cult for him to hire work done, and if doing so for them to meet the timetable sug- <br /> gested by staff, thus his request for five weeks. Mr. Robichaud opined that he had <br /> attempted to act in good faith outside his health issues. <br /> Based on the health and financial issues addressed by Mr. Robichaud, Mayor Roe <br /> advised that the City Council would take the request for five weeks for resolution <br /> under consideration during their deliberations. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Lisa McCormick <br /> As a member of the audience with several of her neighbors, Ms. McCormick of- <br /> fered their volunteer services to assist Mr. Robichaud in resolving this issue; in <br /> coordination with Mr. Munson. Ms. McCormick did request the additional time <br /> beyond two weeks in order to coordinate and move forward as volunteers to ac- <br /> complish the tasks. <br /> Mayor Roe expressed the City Council and staff's appreciation of this offer. <br /> While supporting the request for five weeks, Councilmember McGehee did so <br /> with the caveat that she would not like to see Mr. Robichaud attempt to perform <br /> the work himself given his precarious health. <br /> McGehee moved, Laliberte seconded, directing the Community Development <br /> staff to abate the public nuisance violations (remove shed,junk and debris) at 959 <br /> Brenner Avenue, if not completed by the owner within the next five weeks, by <br /> hiring a general at an unknown estimated cost; with the property owner to be <br /> billed for actual and administrative costs, and if charges not paid, authorizing staff <br /> to recover costs as specified in City Code, Section 407.07B. <br /> Councilmember Willmus spoke in support of the motion and personally thanked <br /> Mr. Robichaud for coming forward and the neighborhood group for volunteering. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: McGehee,Willmus, Laliberte, Etten, and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br />