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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 22, 2015 <br /> Page 30 <br /> d. Community Development Department Request to Issue a Ramsey County <br /> Court Citation for Unresolved Violations of Roseville City Code and Minne- <br /> sota State Statutes at 397 Brooks Avenue <br /> Permit Coordinator Don Munson reviewed current code violations at this vacant, <br /> single-family home located in a residential neighborhood, with the current owner <br /> of record identified as Mr. William Acree, 1145 Glendon Street N, Maplewood, <br /> MN. Mr. Munson provided a status update, including photos, of ongoing and <br /> current violations, including outside storage or keeping of household furnishings <br /> or inoperable/unusable equipment in the backyard (violation of City Code, Sec- <br /> tion 407.03.H). Mr. Munson referenced City Zoning Ordinance 1004.07 (Table <br /> of Uses) and Minnesota State Statute 609.71 (1) defining public nuisance as ap- <br /> plicable to this property. <br /> As part of staff's research on this property, Mr. Munson advised that the property <br /> owner homesteads property in the City of Maplewood, and according to the City <br /> of Roseville's Finance Department, there has been little water usage previously <br /> and none at all in the last six months, indicating the property is vacant and only <br /> being used for storage. Mr. Munson noted complaints had been fielded by staff <br /> from multiple neighbors. <br /> While several vehicles had been removed as indicated in updated photos by Mr. <br /> Munson, four remained; and the backyard showed an overwhelming amount of <br /> outdoor storage. A 2011 aerial photo provided perspective on the considerable <br /> amount of outdoor storage on this property. Mr. Munson advised that it is staff's <br /> opinion that this residential property is not being used for its intended purpose, for <br /> it is vacant and used for storage, an unpermitted use in a single-family district, <br /> and a violation of Minnesota State Statute 609.74. <br /> Mr. Munson advised that staff had been in contact with Mr. Acree informing that <br /> an INTERIM USE PERMIT, limiting outside storage was a potential option to re- <br /> solve these violations. However, Mr. Munson reported that Mr. Acree did not fol- <br /> low-up or pursue this option; and therefore, staff was seeking authorization from <br /> the City Council to issue a Ramsey County Court Citation to the property owner, <br /> allowing Mr. Acree due process through the Ramsey County court system for Mr. <br /> Acree to respond to the City's request for action. <br /> Mr. Munson advised that, at this point, Mr. Acree disagrees that this is violation; <br /> claiming he lives there and uses the items. Mr. Munson noted the property owner <br /> was not present at tonight's meeting. <br /> Discussion included clarifying that there is a backyard pool, covered and required <br /> to be fenced as per code in 2011. <br /> Public Comment <br />