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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 22, 2015 <br /> Page 35 <br /> a falling economy, the five year rule had been extended to ten years, expiring in <br /> 2015. At that point, Ms. Huot advised that there was some potential for staff be- <br /> ing able to meet the ten year rule and requiring additional City Council discus- <br /> sions at a future meeting. <br /> Mr. Bilotta advised that staff intended to identify potential and remaining infra- <br /> structure projects within that district, with the City Engineer currently reviewing <br /> any yet to be completed in the Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area; with the goal for <br /> the City to consider issuing bonds for that infrastructure construction as part of <br /> the TIF district before the deadline of September 3, 2015, thus allowable for cov- <br /> erage from TIF increments. Mr. Bilotta noted there were some procedural mech- <br /> anisms needed and rules to follow to extend the TIF district. <br /> Mr. Bilotta noted the elimination or expiration of broader and more flexible TIF <br /> districts of the past, with further legislative limitations more project specific,mak- <br /> ing TIF district #17 of significant importance at this time, since no similar future <br /> projects would be possible given current legislation. <br /> Also, in an attempt to address next phases for making use of mitigation funding <br /> under the HSS districts, staff was pursuing the hiring of a Brownfield consultant <br /> for that phase to mitigate HSS and make sites shovel ready similar to previous ef- <br /> forts used in the City of New Brighton and Ramsey County at the former Twin <br /> Cities Army Ammunition site. <br /> Discussion included future TIF restrictions; advantages in using TIF district #17 <br /> provisions at this time in covering a bond issue and without waiting to depend on <br /> future development that may or may not occur; financial implications addressing <br /> blight conditions and qualifications once that blight is removed; qualification of <br /> each parcel on its own merits; and how best to bond for the benefit of the commu- <br /> nity to clean up these parcels. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked staff and Ms. Huot for their work to-date and the information <br /> provided tonight, as well as continuing analysis going forward. <br /> c. Twin Lakes Next Steps: Land Use Defmitions and Building Height <br /> Two e-mails providing written comment were included as bench handouts, con- <br /> sisting of one dated June 22 from Kathleen Erickson, 1790 Centennial Drive, and <br /> another dated June 21, 2015 from Lisa McCormick, attached hereto and made a <br /> part hereof <br /> In referencing the RCA, Mayor Roe noted it provided a summary by staff of City <br /> Council discussions and work completed to-date. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Senior Planner Bryan Lloyd briefly summarized the <br /> new subareas designated on the map representing those discussions and the new <br />