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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 22,2015 <br /> Page 36 <br /> draft Table of Uses (Exhibit A) specific to community mixed use (CMU) desig- <br /> nated zoning districts as reached by consensus of the City Council during their <br /> discussions. <br /> As detailed in lines 35-58 of the RCA, Mr. Lloyd briefly summarized the next <br /> step processes and vetting at the Planning Commission level, and opportunities <br /> for public input. <br /> Mayor Roe sought comment from individual Councilmembers as to any remain- <br /> ing outstanding issues or areas needing further clarification. <br /> Councilmember McGehee expressed surprise with the 100' strip being a height <br /> restriction rather than an un-buildable buffer; with Mayor Roe responding and <br /> clarifying that the height limit was set at 35' within that 100' strip and dedication <br /> could come in the form or land to increase that buffer area and/or become part of <br /> the park itself. <br /> Councilmember Willmus opined that this map and table clearly and accurately <br /> represented City Council discussions held to-date. <br /> Councilmember McGehee expressed further concern that the 24-hour operation in <br /> subarea CMU-3 was closer to subarea CMU-2 than she had anticipated; express- <br /> ing her preference to hold that use to the subarea CMU-4. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that, the action of the City Council had been to include it; <br /> however, he noted it still had a ways to go in the process and would be coming <br /> back before the City Council for final action at the end of that process. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Lloyd reviewed the open house process that <br /> would occur with this city-initiated revision, similar to that of a private developer; <br /> as well as statutory requirements they would follow and required for any rezoning <br /> and amendment to the comprehensive plan and subsequent review by other juris- <br /> dictions. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Mr. Lloyd reviewed the next steps in <br /> more detail; proposed comprehensive plan map changes from HDR north of Ter- <br /> race Drive and consistent with other CMU areas; with rezoning and zoning map <br /> changes for each subarea moving forward. Mr. Lloyd noted those changes would <br /> in turn prompt changes to the comprehensive plan map and zoning map, with the <br /> intent to combine them into one process and through holding one open house— at <br /> a minimum— for further information and public comment. Mr. Lloyd further not- <br /> ed there would be at least one public hearing before the Planning Commission; <br /> and anticipated it would take a minimum of two months for the process and al- <br /> lowing for new notification refinements and open house process as identified by <br /> the CEC. <br />