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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 22,2015 <br /> Page 8 <br /> Councilmember McGehee expressed her interest in infiltration via ribbon curbs <br /> rather than barrier curbs, other curbs, and swales as streets are replaced; noting <br /> her preference for ribbon curbs in parking areas to water vegetation in island <br /> parking areas. <br /> Chair Stenlund opined that, to-date the City had done a marvelous job installing <br /> curb cut-outs, pervious pavers, and landscaping to treat rainwater where it fell. <br /> From a civil engineering versus lay person's perspective, Chair Stenlund spoke to <br /> the City's efforts, using the recent land acquisition as part of the Victoria Street <br /> Project as an example of securing sufficient land to address stormwater manage- <br /> ment issues. Chair Stenlund opined that he found the City to be quite advanced <br /> and doing a wonderful job looking at alternatives and considering future trending. <br /> Sanitary and/or Water Service Line Laterals <br /> Councilmember McGehee suggested a minimum notification of options available <br /> to residents when the City undertakes a sewer or water main lining project, allow- <br /> ing them to consider having their laterals lined at the same time. Councilmember <br /> McGehee expressed interest in a possible cost-sharing effort between the City and <br /> residents to get those stub lines done and address leakages currently occurring and <br /> no longer remaining a vulnerable part of the system. <br /> Councilmember Willmus expressed his interest in the PWEC's review and subse- <br /> quent recommendation to the City Council regarding the various water/sewer ser- <br /> vice lateral issues before the next cold weather season. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte agreed that more work was needed from the PWETC <br /> on water/sewer service laterals; and expressed her eagerness to see the commis- <br /> sion's recommendations. <br /> Councilmember Etten agreed with Councilmember McGehee, opining he would <br /> love to have cost-sharing as an option in lining his service lateral before it fails. <br /> Regarding sanitary sewer laterals, Member Cihacek sought clarification on what <br /> the City Council desired as a goal or solution. Member Cihacek questioned if the <br /> intent was for recommendation or a series of recommendations from the PWETC <br /> or what would be most beneficial for the end product for this complex and multi- <br /> faceted issue. Member Cihacek opined there may not be only one solution, and <br /> sought more guidance for the PWETC in order to provide sufficient information <br /> to the City Council in their policy decision-making and for the PWETC to per- <br /> form their research better and provide the best possible recommendations. <br /> Since the PWETC's work as a body flows to the City Council, Councilmember <br /> Willmus opined that the PWETC did not necessarily need to prevent a unified ap- <br /> proach, as he often found dissent from their discussions helpful as well. <br />