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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 22,2015 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Mayor Roe updated Ms. Bridgeman on the City Council's hearing several meetings ago <br /> of recommendations from the Parks & Recreation Commission for a wildlife feeding ban; <br /> and subsequent City Council direction to staff to prepare a draft ordinance banning the <br /> feeding of wildlife in Roseville and outlining other means of control. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, City Manager Trudgeon advised that the item had been ten- <br /> tatively scheduled to be heard again before the City Council on July 20, 2015. <br /> As a frequent wildlife rehabilitator, Councilmember McGehee offered advice to Ms. <br /> Bridgeman to address raccoons living under her deck; and options to avoid the problem <br /> in the future without the expense of hiring an outside service. Councilmember McGehee <br /> also suggested, of Ms. Bridgeman had this problem in the future, to consult the Wildlife <br /> Rehabilitation Clinic in Roseville by the Nature Center for their assistance. <br /> 11. Presentations <br /> a. Joint Meeting with Public Works, Environment and Transportation Com- <br /> mission (PWETC) Parks and Recreation Commission <br /> Mayor welcomed members of the PWETC Commission, represented by Chair <br /> Dwayne Stenlund; Vice Chair Brian Cihacek; and Members Sarah Brodt-Lenz, <br /> Joe Wozniak, John Heimerl, and Kody Thurnau. <br /> Chair Stenlund invited each member of the PWETC to introduce themselves; and <br /> noted it had been a good year for the PWETC with several opportunities for addi- <br /> tional research and education. Chair Stenlund expressed appreciation for former <br /> Public Works Director Schwartz, and the PWETC's appreciation of new Director <br /> Marc Culver. Chair Stenlund thanked the City Council for providing recording <br /> secretarial services to the Commission as well. <br /> From his unbiased perspective, Chair Stenlund opined that the PWETC is the <br /> "coolest commission out there," and expressed their interest in continuing to make <br /> respond to the City Council's desired focus for the Commission. <br /> As part of tonight's meeting materials, Chair Stenlund noted the PWETC's sub- <br /> mission of a neighborhood organized trash collection guide (Attachment A to the <br /> RCA) for City Council consideration for the community. <br /> Chair Stenlund briefly revised the activities and accomplishments of the Commis- <br /> sion since last meeting jointly with the City Council, and as detailed in the RCA <br /> dated June 22, 2015. Chair Stenlund sought City Council feedback on proposed <br /> work plan items for the upcoming year, as well as presenting questions to the City <br /> Council and hearing their concerns as part of tonight's discussion as follows. <br /> Stormwater Management <br />