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��_'+, <br />�� <br />Night to Unite <br />August 4, 2015 <br />WHEREAS, the Minnesota Crime Prevention Association (MCPA) is sponsoring a <br />nationwide crime prevention program on August 4, 2015 called "Night to Unite", and <br />WHEREAS, the "7t�Annual Night to Unite" provides a unique opportunity for Roseville to <br />join forces with thousands of other communities across the state and country in promoting <br />cooperative, police-community crime prevention efforts; and <br />WHEREAS, Roseville Neighborhood Watch plays a vital role in assisting the Police <br />Department through joint crime prevention efforts in Roseville and is supporting "Night to Unite <br />2015" locally; and <br />WHEREAS, it is essential that the citizens of Roseville be aware of the importance of crime <br />prevention programs and the impact that their participation can have on reducing crime in <br />Roseville; and <br />WHEREAS, police- community partnerships, neighborhood safety, awareness and <br />cooperation are important themes of the "Night to Unite" program; <br />NOW, THEREFORE WE, THE ROSEVILLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL, do hereby call <br />upon all citizens of Roseville to join ROSEVILLE NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH GROUPS and the <br />Minnesota Crime Prevention Association in supporting "Night to Unite" on August 4, 2015. <br />Mayor Daniel J. Roe <br />