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Human Ri�hts Viol�tion� <br />Human rigl3ts are the rigl�ts tlzat every sirtgie person has. They are the rights that deime <br />how humans should be treated within sacieties. It doesn't mattes• who yot� ag•e yoL� are entitled to <br />these rights beca�se you're hilman. Even though these righfis s(�ouid be respectecl, many peaple <br />i�,more them, �vhether by accident or on pu�pose, and deprive then� fram othe�-s by telling them <br />tliey don't or she�uid not have cei tain rights becatase af certain criteria. These actions are <br />viaiations af hu�nan ►•ig%ts. <br />Fol- exar��ple, recently in i3ctober 2Q1�, tlaea�e was an arg��ment in Michigan about <br />granting hosna�sexual people th� right to ma�-riage. in this argument, a senior pastc�a• from Faith <br />Baptist Cht�rch nam�d Tim B�rlin said, "Thase wa�iting special rights for sexual orientation are <br />seeking io rewrite the trac�itional moral fiber €�f our society." The pastor means tlaat homosexuals <br />s��oiaidn't �et tile rights to marry becaus� it wi(1 change the ariginal federal (.aw af �narriag�, <br />which states tl�at marriage is the union between ane man an.d one �voman. T��n Berlin is trying ts� <br />protect t��aditional maral values; ha�vever, his cofn�nent vio(ates The Universal Declaratios� of <br />Hu�nan �ights in Article One. Ai�tic[e One states that eve�yane shou[d be treated equally. Tim <br />Berlin's quot€ is a vio[ation to this because Iie said that homosexuai people shou�dn'i be able to <br />ma�•ry like lzetei•os�xual peop(e. His statement also sends tlie message tllat harrnase�:�al people <br />should ��ot get the sarne betlefits as heterosexua[ people do when they get n�arried. Some <br />examples are; taXation �.nd ir�lteritance ri�ts, haspital visitatian, access to fatni[y health <br />coverage, and protection in the event af the re(at.iQnsI�ip ending. Hence, he wants homosexual <br />pe�pte tfl be denied the righi ta be treated the same way as heterosexual peop4e. Tl�e other right <br />Ti�r� Berlin vialates is .�rticle T�vo af Tke LTN Decl�ration, which is the right to be free from <br />