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discrimination. His quote targets t3�e homose�ais as illustrated by his wot-ds, "tho�e wanting <br />special rights for sexual orientation", T`hus, lle disc�-inlinates �gainst hornose�ual peopl� because <br />he wants to deprive thern From eq�ai rights based on their se�ual orientatian. <br />Another pez•son tivha has violated human rights through langua�e is, Ctiven Bundy, a <br />rancher. To summarize vvhat (le said, he believed that black people shoul� be siaves because <br />througl� his eyes, he �l�;ays sees t13em eithei• in jail Qr sitting around doing nothing. Cliven <br />Bundy has offended the blaclf peaple and �nade a violation to Articles `I'rvo, Four, and Seven In <br />The Universal Declaratian of I�uman Rights. Articie Four states that nabody should be a slave or <br />be treated as a slave; however, Cliven Bundy's comment malces it clear that he wants black <br />people to be enslaved. Cliven Bundy also violates The UN Declaration., Article Two, the right to <br />be free from disct�imanation. Bundy specifically reFers to only blacl� peaple in his cointnent, he <br />doesn'i mention ar�y othe�• grot�p of pefl�ie. This fact proves tlzat he has a hiasecl view of biack <br />peopl� and judgetn�nt about them based on the calor of their skin. Last bitt not least, <br />At�ticle Seven in tl�� IJN Declai•atic�n states that the law should be app{ied in the same way for <br />everyone. S1a�ery is illegal bui Cliven Bundy said that black peopie should l�e slaves, wl�ich <br />means black people shoiild not be entitled th� same rights as other peaple. Thus, iie is <br />violating Article Sever� in the UN Declaration. <br />Comments lil�e those of Tiin Berlin and of Cliven Bundy's violate human rights and are <br />l�appening frequently whether it is spoken out in ihe public o�� just held in col3ve�•sation. Soth of <br />these men's wards exemplify ilaw offensive and detrimental this ]angcaage can be. This is very <br />in�portant because what peop.le say can bring on changes to others' human z•ights, especially <br />u�hen words beco�ne a.ctions and actions become laws that eefute people's human rights. Some <br />