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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 13, 2015 <br /> Page 11 <br /> each would obviously need to be adjusted, and if significant, staff would highlight <br /> it as that impact affected the overall fee structure. <br /> Reminding audience members of the presentation by City Manager Trudgeon <br /> again tomorrow night at the Finance Commission and upcoming public hearings, <br /> Mayor Roe invited public comment at this time; with no one appearing to speak. <br /> b. Receive Community Engagement Update from Mayor Roe and Coun- <br /> cilmember Laliberte <br /> As presented to the Community Engagement Commission (CEC) previously, <br /> Mayor Roe introduced this discussion based on his and Councilmember Laliber- <br /> te's attendance at a League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) workshop entitled, "Expe- <br /> rienced Elected Official Training." Attachments included some of the training <br /> handouts specific to public participation and engagement strategies. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Councilmember Laliberte provided a summary of <br /> the training as documents were displayed; and impacts of looking at community <br /> engagement involvement through efforts of the CEC beyond the charge and areas <br /> of focus already identified when they were created. Councilmember Laliberte <br /> suggested a more process-based versus project-based focus, with a clear vision for <br /> goals and measurement of those goals; allowing the CEC to identify issues need- <br /> ing community thought and solutions (e.g. SE Roseville already in process). <br /> Mayor Roe and Councilmember Laliberte emphasized that community engage- <br /> ment was not the same as civic engagement, as previously defined and enlighten- <br /> ingly illuminated by Commissioner Theresa Gardella at a recent CEC meeting; <br /> and the need to be aware that government need not nor should it be at the epicen- <br /> ter of those community engagement efforts, but only one part, along with ser- <br /> vice/civic organizations, non-profits, citizens, businesses, and faith-based com- <br /> munities. Councilmember Laliberte noted that government was only a part of the <br /> picture and community engagement did not revolve around the City. <br /> Mayor Roe and Councilmember Laliberte reviewed slides and initiated discussion <br /> on their content, including "Ten Steps for Effective Citizen Engagement;" "Inter- <br /> national Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Core Values of Public Partic- <br /> ipation;" "Institute for Local Government (ILG) Principles of Local Government <br /> Public Engagement;" "International City Manager Association (ICMA) Citizen <br /> Engagement and Public Participation — General Organizational Assessment;" <br /> IAP2's Public Participation Spectrum (2 versions); "ILG's Spectrum of Public <br /> Engagement Activities." <br /> The slides guided discussion as Mayor Roe and Councilmember Laliberte high- <br /> lighted broader efforts for the City Council and public to understand the "why" of <br /> community engagement; and building a commitment to do it well and with a final <br />