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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 13,2015 <br /> Page 12 <br /> goal or purpose in mind. Mayor Roe opined that the City Council needed to <br /> commit to and adopt those core public participation values early in the process. <br /> Other discussion topics by Mayor Roe and Councilmember Laliberte included be- <br /> ing aware of gaps or people perceptions in engagement; being aware of and open <br /> to stakeholders from a broader perspective; connections and involvement; and be- <br /> ing open to any opportunities to engage peoples in a valuable way to achieve the <br /> best possible outcome. Additional considerations included measuring results to <br /> determine if the outcome satisfied people or if they felt they influenced the deci- <br /> sion-making; and defining which engagement tools worked well and which did <br /> not for evaluation and future reference. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte again referenced comments by CEC Commissioner <br /> Gardella regarding tracking priorities beyond outreach; and as information comes <br /> forward, the need to acknowledge it, express appreciation, and show how that in- <br /> formation was used; opining that was a piece needing work by the City Council. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte further opined that there was no system or process in <br /> place for that, or a habitual routine for the City Council and/or advisory commis- <br /> sions to use and upon which to focus, as well as at the staff level. Councilmember <br /> Laliberte noted the need for that incoming information to be reciprocal. Coun- <br /> cilmember Laliberte clarified that the public participation piece was specific to <br /> the City's civic engagement portion, and how it worked with the community to <br /> make decision; with the community engagement piece much broader, and not <br /> within the City's control. <br /> Mayor Roe referred to the CEC to make a recommendation to the City Council on <br /> principles of local government public engagement specific to the commitment to <br /> core participation values for City Council policy. <br /> Mayor Roe then referenced the ICMA checklist/survey for assessing the organiza- <br /> tion and determining where improvement was needed. Mayor Roe suggested the <br /> CEC have a role in working with staff, commissions and the City Council in per- <br /> forming that assessment; beyond the overall assessments of the organization and <br /> those related to specific departments and inventorying what was being done and <br /> what needed to be done. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte noted anytime you performed an assessment you were <br /> essentially performing an inventory of available tools, or by creating a task force <br /> or commission, that tool box continued to grow; but this identified a formal step <br /> to use in assessing itself and the organization, and identify gaps and opportunities <br /> that were the greatest, the quickest, and having the most impact. <br /> Mayor Roe noted the philosophy of engagement was basically to identify what <br /> you wanted out of the engagement and expectations of the people implementing <br /> the engagement process and those participating in it. Mayor Roe noted part of <br />