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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 13, 2015 <br /> Page 26 <br /> Mayor Roe concluded that the City Council was supportive of retaining two <br /> commissions; agreed on the need to work on the duties/functions of the HRC and <br /> their title and any other issues; agreed to defer the joint meeting of the HRC and <br /> City Council; and work to resolve not filling or increasing membership until the <br /> HRC's new charge is defined. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon expressed concern in getting that accomplished by the <br /> next meeting of the City Council; with Mayor Roe and Councilmember Laliberte <br /> strongly encouraging that be accomplished; or a special meeting scheduled if oth- <br /> er items were also pending. <br /> For clarity, City Manager Trudgeon reiterated the request of staff was to deter- <br /> mine what would constitute a quorum, and how to deal with changing the specific <br /> number of commissions for a quorum. <br /> As a second and separate piece, Councilmember Laliberte noted the deferral of <br /> the joint meeting from August to later in 2015. <br /> d. Discuss Uniform Commission Code <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, City Manager Trudgeon briefly addressed issues in <br /> developing a uniform code to governing the organizational structures for advisory <br /> commissions occurring over the last few years in attempting to consolidate com- <br /> mon threads of regulations, resulting in the creation of a new Chapter 201 to City <br /> Code (Attachment B). As provided in current City Code, Title 2 — Commissions <br /> (Attachment A) — and the new draft (Attachment B), Mr. Trudgeon noted those <br /> additions and those areas for deletion unless statutory requirements; and thanked <br /> Councilmembers Willmus and Laliberte for their input, as well as other Coun- <br /> cilmembers over the past few years. Mr. Trudgeon clarified that this draft is not <br /> intended for adoption tonight, and only as a starting off point for discussion and <br /> consideration of the concept of a uniform commission code. <br /> New Chapter 201 —Advisory Commissions (Attachment B) <br /> Councilmember Etten spoke in support of the new chapter, suggested several re- <br /> visions and additional elements to the draft. <br /> Page 2, Section 201.06: Organization <br /> Section C: Specific to creation of committees, subcommittees and/or task forces <br /> within commissions, Councilmember Etten noted the need to differentiate be- <br /> tween those that needed to come before the City Council for approval and those <br /> not necessary to do so. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte agreed; opining that she saw them almost as opposites <br /> based on various comments and input to-date. However, Councilmember Laliber- <br /> te suggested that the first sentence provide that differentiation with the key words, <br />