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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 13, 2015 <br /> Page 25 <br /> ber Laliberte noted the care taken in creating the CEC in being clear that it was <br /> advisory on policy and process versus "doing," and reiterating the exception with <br /> the HRC. When working on a revised scope for the HRC, Councilmember <br /> Laliberte noted the need to be aware of that distinction or history. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated his discomfort in seating three new commissioners <br /> on the HRC if it remained up in the air; but expressed his preference in making it <br /> work short-term with those current commissioners having an understanding of the <br /> HRC and new people having a learning curve. Councilmember Etten spoke in <br /> support of deferring the joint meeting the HRC to October and look at a new pro- <br /> cess in January of 2016. <br /> Councilmember Willmus agreed with Councilmember Etten, opining that the City <br /> Council needed to take time to identify any changes to the HRC's charge, which <br /> would be difficult for new commissioners coming on board without having a clear <br /> direction for their role at this point. <br /> Mayor Roe sought clarification of a technical point with City Attorney Gaughan <br /> regarding code language stating that the HRC had seven members and the current <br /> reduced level and what constituted a quorum, 3 or 4. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan responded that it depended on the actual code language; <br /> but opined that the City Council had a mandate to fill any vacancies within a rea- <br /> sonable timeframe; and typically a quorum was based on the actual number of <br /> members. After further review of the code, City Attorney Gaughan noted the <br /> HRC "shall" consist of seven members, and the City Council was therefore man- <br /> dated to appoint seven members. <br /> Further discussion included vacancy timeframes and expirations of terms, with <br /> City Manager Trudgeon advising terms expired respectively in 2016, 2017 and <br /> 2018; with the result that vacancies did not need to be filled at this time if a quor- <br /> um was available. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that it made sense to not appoint new commissioners for the <br /> short-term and continue to work with those available. <br /> Additional discussion included the historical perspective of commissioners versus <br /> those newly appointed; potential amendment of the code specific to the HRC to <br /> accommodate any quorum issues in the interim for adoption at the next meeting; <br /> and further review of specific issues by the remaining four members of the HRC <br /> at their next meeting and before the next discussion by the City Council. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte asked the HRC to advise City Manager Trudgeon of <br /> their discussion and preferences for dissemination to the City Council. <br />