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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 13, 2015 <br /> Page 31 <br /> Individual Commission Chapters <br /> Mayor Roe noted the need to correct each individual Chapter in reference to <br /> Chapter 201 to indicate"Chapter,"rather than"Section" in all references <br /> throughout the individual Chapters. Mayor Roe also suggested finding a better <br /> way to address that initial reference would be in Section 202.01: Establishment <br /> and Membership: by adding language such as (e.g. Chapter 202 Planning Com- <br /> mission): "A City Planning Commission for the City is hereby established, <br /> [which shall be subject to Chapter 201 of this code J..."and then striking those <br /> redline areas from individual chapters. <br /> Chapter 205 Human Rights Commission <br /> Councilmember Etten questioned if"Section 205.01: Establishment and Member- <br /> ship"was the area to add language to appoint one new commissioner; with Mayor <br /> Roe responding that added specificity. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte noted some commission language included appoint- <br /> ment of youth commissioners, and asked if that specificity was desired across the <br /> board. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that Chapter 201 talked about youth commissioners for all <br /> commissions. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined it was dependent on the interest of students. <br /> Discussion ensued, with the consensus to strike the entire sentence referencing <br /> youth commissioners from Chapters 204 (Parks & Recreation), 205 (HRC), and <br /> 209 (CEC), as that language was addressed in Chapter 201, Section 03.B. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the language stated, "may," and therefore was not a man- <br /> date for the City Council to do so unless appropriate and applicable. <br /> Based on the Council discussion, Mayor Roe directed staff to bring back another <br /> draft, and after discussion on the anticipated meeting to review that draft, consen- <br /> sus was for staff to have it available at the August 10, 2015 meeting. <br /> e. Twin Lakes Infrastructure TIF Bonding Discussion <br /> As detailed in the RCA, City Manager Trudgeon noted mandatory timing until <br /> September 3, 2015 for the City to spend tax increment financing (TIF) dollars in <br /> Twin Lakes District 17 at which time any future expenditures will be significantly <br /> impacted, creating the need to spend funds by that date or lose the ability to use <br /> the majority of funds going forward. Mr. Trudgeon advised that, if the City pur- <br /> sues the bonding process, the funds would qualify as spent. Given the tight <br /> timeframe, Mr. Trudgeon noted staff's intent to bring this forward at the next <br /> meeting for City Council consideration for initiating the process of issuing bonds; <br /> and given the tight timeframe, it would be necessary to take action one way or an- <br /> other at that meeting to meet bond issue requirements. <br />