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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 13,2015 <br /> Page 30 <br /> Regarding restructuring the HRC, Mr. Grefenberg referenced language related to <br /> civic engagement. <br /> Mayor Roe, as he had mentioned earlier, noted the need to remove that language. <br /> Mr. Grefenberg suggested removing language from the specific HRC chapter <br /> (page 2, D.3) under "Scope, Duties, Functions," which had been added during the <br /> time the HRC was responsible to advise the City Council on civic engagement. <br /> Suggesting consensus of the body and expressing appreciation to Mr. Grefenberg <br /> for that point, Mayor Roe advised that, for the time being, language would remain <br /> as is as it also touched on broader things. <br /> Mr. Grefenberg opined that much of what the City Council had accomplished was <br /> excellent, even though it was a long time coming. Mr. Grefenberg supported the <br /> need for accountability for commissioners in attending meetings; and concluded <br /> by noting the CEC recommended adoption of this document soon. <br /> Chapter 201 (Attachment B) <br /> Councilmember Laliberte sought assurance from her colleagues of their under- <br /> standing that the new section addresses "Scope, Duties, and Functions," and a <br /> way of operating as a general by-law for all commissions under which to operate, <br /> and would not provide separate by-laws for each group. <br /> Councilmembers concurred with that statement. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined something was still needed to address conduct. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte agreed, but admitted it was not yet available, and as <br /> noted by City Attorney Gaughan, the City Council could not adopt something not <br /> yet ready. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Councilmember McGehee agreed that she was will- <br /> ing to adopt this document, as revised, but wanted to ensure the other piece about <br /> conduct was not forgotten. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Gary Grefenberg <br /> Mr. Grefenberg opined that the CEC oath of office didn't refer to the duties of a <br /> commission, but instead referred to the constitution; and suggested that standard <br /> oath needed revised. <br /> Mayor Roe corrected that the oath said: "....discharge the duties of the office of <br /> the... (e.g. CEC);" with Councilmember Laliberte and City Manager Trudgeon <br /> agreeing with that verbiage. <br />