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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 13, 2015 <br /> Page 9 <br /> fy extending those hours at this point. Mr. Trudgeon further noted that some min- <br /> imal investment had been made in the building over the last few years, but if the <br /> License Center was not relocated, more significant remodeling would be required, <br /> whether in 2016 or in the near future. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Finance Director Miller confirmed <br /> that only a few thousand dollars had been spent for those minor remodeling or <br /> maintenance issues to-date. At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Mil- <br /> ler further clarified that identified mold issues had been immediately addressed <br /> last year. <br /> Based on her experience visiting the License Center, Councilmember Laliberte <br /> opined it was very cluttered, and needed some branding to identify the facility as <br /> a City of Roseville facility. While not advocating making the current facility a <br /> huge service center, if the City intended to stay at that current location, if needed <br /> some sprucing up. <br /> Specific to the old Fire Station and in response to Councilmember Laliberte's <br /> comments, City Manager Trudgeon advised that the building is used for signifi- <br /> cant storage by the City, and if it was sold, repurposed or otherwise used, an al- <br /> ternative storage option for those materials would also be needed. In his discus- <br /> sions earlier today with Community Development Director Paul Bilotta, Mr. <br /> Trudgeon advised that they had discussed some options, in addition to finding an <br /> option for storage needs for the facility's future use. Mr. Trudgeon noted the ad- <br /> vantage in the City owning the property, and advised that focus would be given to <br /> holding those discussions in the near future to address City Council and resident <br /> expectations, costs and other considerations as part of that analysis. <br /> Regarding the Fire Department, Councilmember Laliberte sought further discus- <br /> sion and explanation regarding current and proposed duties of Battalion Chiefs <br /> and absorbing the duties of the Fire Marshal at his retirement; and how that im- <br /> pacted the full-time structure of the department's reorganization. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon responded that the initial restructuring to full-time in- <br /> cluded Captain positions at the level immediately below that of Battalion Chief; <br /> but after further consideration and as a cost-saving benefit, he and the Fire Chief <br /> had determined using Battalion Chiefs and an Assistant Fire Chief— as recently <br /> presented to the City Council — would provide a better approach for full-time su- <br /> pervision of shifts. Whether supervision was accomplished through Battalion <br /> Chiefs or new Captain positions was immaterial, and Mr. Trudgeon advised that <br /> by using Battalion Chiefs available for 24 hour coverage, it created some redun- <br /> dancy issues with adding the Captain positions to cover that supervision; and <br /> therefore had been eliminated as an option. Mr. Trudgeon further noted the ad- <br /> vantage that by using the three Battalion Chiefs and adjusting those shift duties <br /> and tasks under that one position on duty, it created a more effective chain of <br />